“Hey, ladies,” I overheard. “Heads up. Luna is here, so behave yourselves.”

“Get rid of her.” That snap could only be Saylor. “What is wrong with you, Katie? That bitch is bad news. When are you going to get that through your head? After she leaves you floating face-first in the pool?”

“Whoa. Ease down, Saylor. If she had anything to do with Giovanni, she wouldn’t be here right now helping me go over the security footage. We’re looking for who shouldn’t be there.”

“I can answer that question for you,” Everleigh replied. “Luna Sinclair.”

“What’s it going to be?” Katie asked. “You guys staying or not, because we’re about to have dinner?”

“Let her stay.”

My brows shot up my forehead.

“I don’t care if she’s here,” Gabriella continued, “and things have been shitty between the five of us lately. That’s why we’re here. To make it up to you with movies, wine, and mani-pedis. Come on, ladies. We’re not going to let that Dreg trash get in the way of our night, right?”

I rolled my eyes. Nope, I didn’t hit my head. That last sentence was for sure Gabriella.

“Ugh. Whatever.” Footsteps barreled toward me, then the door flew open. Saylor curled her lip at me like I was a pile of dog droppings on the pillow. “We should be here,” Saylor said loudly. “Sinclair’s new tactic is casting suspicion on everyone else to protect herself. We’re not going to let her infect you with lies, any more than we’re going to let her hurt you.”

I cheesed wide and crass. “Good to see you too, Saylor. You’re looking lovely this evening.”

“Shut your mouth. Dregs are seen, not heard.”

The quartet filed in—all dressed in robes and pajamas, and carrying wine, movies, and nail gear as promised. They were ready for a sleepover, and I was looking at twelve hours confined in a small space with them. I didn’t kill Giovanni, so why did it feel like the universe was punishing me?

Or giving me an opportunity. My cheesy smile melted into a real one. Saylor Burkhardt will know the crushing, heartbreaking loneliness of my sister that she’s mocked and disrespected since we met. Might as well start now.

An idea popped into my head. I shot a text off to Wilder.

Gabriella slid in behind Piper, fixed on me. If that argument between her and Saylor that morning was about what I thought it was—

Gabriella flicked to my phone, brows twitching.

That’s why she wants me to stay.

My phone buzzed. The others started setting up their party, but Gabriella watched me pick up and open the message.

Rafael: It’s been too long since I’ve tasted that sweet, dripping pussy. What are you doing right now? Because I’m imagining you sliding up and down on my cock while those little lovelies bounce.

Face flaming, I dropped my phone. Where the heck did that come from? Was I supposed to be expecting this?

My phone went off again, shining the hot red spotlight brighter on my head. I practically hid my phone under the covers before I read the text. It was very much not Wilder.

Rafael: Come on, Cloud Girl. You wanted me to teach you dirty talk, but I believe you learn by doing. Or by telling. Me. What you want me to do to you. Tonight.

There was something I was supposed to do that night, but Thor help me if I remembered what.

Another message came through. It was a pair of bouncing clouds.

I giggled, body lighting with warmth even while my middle lit with something else. How could he always make me laugh?

“What’s so funny?” Gabriella barked, tearing my attention away. I couldn’t see her eyes anymore. They were narrowed to tight slits. “Share with the class, Sinclair.”

“Nothing.” I put my phone behind my back as they all stared at me. They were fast about ruining my happy mood. “Just a text from my—from Victor.” I almost said my boyfriend. “He’s got quite an imagination. So naughty.”

Saylor snorted. “Oh, please. Like anyone believes Victor is really into you. Stop trying to show off. We all know that was a text from your carrier saying your phone bill is due.”

Gabriella, Piper, and Everleigh laughed louder than that dig deserved.

I shrugged. “Whatever you say.”

They all crowded the bed, piling on with their snacks and nail polish. I pulled my feet in, leaning against the headboard. I was surrounded.

“Enough of this.” Saylor snapped Katie’s laptop shut. “The police know what they’re doing. They’ll put the right person behind bars.” She didn’t even try to pretend she was speaking to anyone other than me.

My phone went off again. Two messages.

Wilder: I’ve got what you want. There’s a lot of it though. Want the highlights?

I typed a reply to Wilder before daring to read Rafael’s text.

Rafael: We’ll do it in the car. Away from your fiancé. I’m going to bend you over the wheel and drill you from behind. The honking horn will bring everyone running, but no one will see us through the fogged windows.