Cato finished him off with a brutal punch to the face. The guard lay there—out cold.

My muzzled love took off as quickly as he came, scaring off the onlookers who lingered too long. None of them were going to interfere. You don’t get between Cato and anything.

“You, get up!” Wesley kicked the man none too gently in the side. “Get up, you idiot. You’re supposed to be—”

“Protecting you from a girl half your size?” I finished, spinning Wesley around. “He can’t do that. No one can. So leave the poor man alone.”

“What do you want, you crazy bitch! Leave me alone.”

I whistled. “Whew. You are not striking the proper tone, Hill. Is that any way to speak to the person who has your balls in a vise? I might get angry... and squeeze.”

“Get it through your head,” he hissed. Wesley got in my face. “I don’t know anything. You can keep coming at me, but there’s nothing I have to say.”

“We both know that’s not true. Someone dared you to make my sister’s life a misery. You’ve been blackmailing them ever since. All you have to do is tell me who it is, and Levi will be the one waking up in a puddle of his own piss.”

Wesley reeled back, eyes huge. “How did you—?”

“Or you can refuse me again,” I plowed on, “and I move on to Levi either way. I’ve been as patient with you as I’m going to be, Hill. Tell me who dared you guys to drive Winter to the edge.” My gaze flicked down. “This is your last chance.”

Frowning, Wesley followed my line of sight. He froze.

Holding steady over his heart was a single red, glowing dot.

“I know what you’re thinking,” I stage-whispered. “Maybe I could run. Maybe I could wake that useless lump of a bodyguard up and he’ll protect me. Trust me when I say you’ll be dropped a millisecond after you twitch. There’s no more running, Wesley. You have ten seconds to give me a name.”


I held up a hand. “Ten, nine, eight—”

“Wait! You don’t understand what they’ll do to me. I can’t betray— I just can’t!”

“You don’t have to be afraid of them anymore,” I said, “because you’ll be dead. Six, five, four—”

Pale and shaking, a sheen of sweat soaked the pits of his arms faster than I counted down. Wesley tossed his head, throwing desperation at everyone walking by, and making them veer farther away from him. “Can’t— I c-can’t—” he stuttered, eyes rolling up in his head.

“Give me a name, Wesley. Three. It doesn’t have to end this way. Two. You can still make this right,” I said, holding up my final finger. “Who killed Winter?”


My teeth clenched. “Levi was the smart one after all. He outlived both of you.” I dropped my finger. “One—”

Wesley blurred. Roaring, he seized my neck—hauling me forward and in the path of that red beam. Bulging, crimson eyes stabbed through mine as he strangled me.

“I’ll never tell you, bitch. Your sister is rotting in hell—tough shit. You’re not dragging me down there with her.”

“Let her go!”


“Do your worst,” Wesley hissed. He squeezed harder. He pulled me in tighter, blocking the path of any bullet with my body. “Your little pranks don’t come close to what they’ll do to me. Neither does death.”

Malice and hatred seeped into his voice, banishing the whimpering weakling who fainted and ran around screaming. I wasn’t talking to that Wesley anymore.

I was talking to the murderer.


Thundering footfalls bore down on us, racing ahead of the black spots dancing in my vision. I gasped—slapping and clawing at his hands.

“For as long as I live—one hundred seconds or one hundred years—I’ll never tell you their name.”

I miscalculated. I pushed too far. Wesley didn’t break.

He snapped.

Lucien and Wilder rushed us—Lucien’s cane raised to strike. Wesley threw me at them. I fell into their arms, their first instinct to catch me, and the three of us went down. Wesley tore across the quad.

I untangled from them, jumping up and running to... where?

Wesley was gone.


I lay across Wilder’s lap while Lucien stroked my cheek, Rafael massaged my legs, and Cato massaged my clit. He thought orgasms would make me feel better. I certainly wasn’t about to say no to them.

“I’m okay,” I replied, or more like moaned. All of us were in my room, resting on my bed. “You don’t have to fuss over me. Wesley is a noodle-armed bitch. I barely felt his weak attempt to strangle me.” I said that, but the angry red marks on my neck told a different story.

“That noodle-armed bitch should never have gotten his hands on you,” Rafael growled. “I should’ve had a real gun on him, instead of some overpriced laser pointer.”

“We talked about that—oh.”

Cato slipped inside and scissored me open, stretching me as he moved. It was difficult having a serious conversation while getting finger-fucked, but when I tried to wiggle away, he bit me. I was getting an orgasm—no argument about it. Like Wilder said, some consequences just have to be endured.