“You can kill your fantasies of the Pussy Muncher right now. She never existed.”
“Shame, but I’m holding on to my fantasies. There’s one where you’ve covered your conquest in whipped cream and you’re eating her up like a sundae. It’s the highlight of the spunk reel. I cue it up almost every night.”
The water held my wavering, red-faced reflection. “You’re taking a real risk for someone who can’t swim.”
Victor howled. “Why are you asking about Richard, then?”
“It’s natural to be curious about the rotted asshole who got you shipped off to boarding school.”
“Damn, that was him?” Victor gestured up ahead, pointing to—I guessed it right—the four-story mega beauty at the end. “Then you’ll be glad to know he applied to Regalia U, and only Regalia U, even though he was a C and D student. He thought Daddy’s connections would get him in... and it didn’t.
“To knock some sense into his cocky ass, Dad made him take the lowest-level job in the Cooperson company. Last I heard, he’s still fetching bagels and running around the mail room.”
“That does bring me joy,” I said, grinning.
Together we climbed onto the boat. I stifled a whistle, but my widening eyes wouldn’t be held back. I kept saying that one day I’d get used to the wealth surrounding me. When would that day come?
The whole thing was a sleek piston forged to slice through the seas. We came up next to the glass hot tub, equipped with a dozen jets and an in-floor wine chiller. Victor led me past it and through the lounge area with its comfy couches and firepit.
Visions of relaxing on that couch, roasting marshmallows while the sun set, floated through my mind. It struck me that if I married Victor, that life wouldn’t be a wistful dream. It would be my reality. The future I didn’t let myself think about.
It’s not a bad future by anyone’s definition. I just wonder who will be sharing these sunsets with me.
“You okay?” A gentle touch caressed my back. “I’m not going to kill you, I swear.”
I giggled. “I’m okay. I was just picturing us on this boat in thirty years—roasting marshmallows and watching the sunset. Think we could ever get there, Victor? Get to... happy?”
“I’m glad you asked that”—Victor guided me inside—“because that’s why we’re here.”
“Oh, Victor...” Words failed me. They too stopped to take in the sight.
A ring of candles surrounded the table, casting a soft, warm glow. I stepped lightly through the sea of rose petals—tiptoeing where they led me.
In the middle of the room, a tiny, two-person table held my surprise. Champagne, strawberries, and my favorite meal: chocolate chip pancakes.
“Oh my gosh, you did all this?” I cried. “Why?”
“Because this is what we wanted, right?” Victor held out my chair. “To start over. Get to know each other like a normal couple. Past time I took you out on a date, Sinclair.”
Guilt and joy battled for dominance in my chest. Here he was planning sweet, thoughtful first dates for us. And there I was, fucking his brother.
“This is perfect, Victor,” I said, meaning every word. All of Regalia stretched out before us. The mansions and the university, sure, but also rolling hills. Mighty oak trees. Colorful cottages. And the feeling I was in the most beautiful place there was. If only it wasn’t surface deep. “I love it.”
“I give good date, Sinclair. You should know this about me.” His smirk did funny things to me. “Just wait till our second.”
I cocked a brow. “Just wait till the end of our first to find out if you get a second.”
That smirk went nowhere. “I’m not worried.”
“Too bad we’re faced toward the town instead of the ocean,” I said, changing the subject fast. “What’s better than eating homemade pancakes while watching the sun glinting off the water?”
“Actually, we could move to the other side, but I wanted you to see Regalia like this.” He gazed out over the deck. “I know you hate this place, and you have every reason to, but when we get married, I’ll make this town your home.”
Lacing his fingers through mine, Victor brought them to his lips. My heart slingshotted into my throat.
“We’ll have moments like this where it’s just us—so far from the Royals and their games that we forget what it is to play.”
“I think I’d like that,” I whispered, lightly tracing his lips. “I’d like that very much.”
We sat there for a long time, gazing at each other—eyes holding traces of all the things we wanted to say.
Clearing his throat, Victor shook himself and released my hand. I didn’t let my disappointment show on my face.
We settled in—keeping to light topics while we ate the second-best pancakes I ever had. Number one would always be Mom’s.
“What happened?” Victor asked. “Where’d you just go?”
“Oh, I—” I straightened, surprised he caught that brief flicker when my smile dimmed. “I was just thinking of my mom. Wondering what she’s doing right now. I’m worried about her,” I blurted. “I need her to know I’m here and that she hasn’t lost me.”