“—you only had to ask.”
Wilder ran to shut him off. Wolf was on the screen beside me before he touched the plug.
“I’ve been thinking. It has been a while since I’ve been home.”
Wilder went mad—yanking, pulling, ripping every plug in his room from the wall. I could only stare dumbfounded as Wolf hopped from computer to computer, making one of the most secure systems in the world look like it was guarded by a gate made of tissue paper.
“We’re overdue for a brotherly reunion.”
Wilder grasped the last plug.
“See you soon.”
Wolf winked out, leaving behind the faint sound of his laughter.
“Wilder, what just happened?” I breathed. “You have a brother? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“He’s everywhere,” Wilder muttered, head twisting. “In the computers. In the system. It all has to go.”
He picked up a computer and threw it at the cage. It popped apart like puzzle pieces over my screaming. Wilder fished out the hard drive, got a hammer, and reduced that to pieces too. I stood unheard and unseen as he destroyed his most prized possessions.
“Wilder, talk to me. Why are you so freaked?”
“Can’t talk right now, Luna.” Wilder retrieved a bat from his closet. “He’s coming. He might already be here.”
I watched helplessly as Wilder moved through the house, destroying everything with internet access. He was deaf to my pleas as he beat the security system keypad off the wall. When he was done, Wilder left me behind and went upstairs to the room that was always locked.
Wilder closed himself in with his stockpile of lethal weapons, and didn’t come out.
“You didn’t know?”
Rafael shook his head over a pan of creamy garlic shrimp. “It’s Wilder.”
“Fair point.” My gaze drifted to the ceiling. “What do we do? He’s been in there for hours. He destroyed every electronic in the house. Should we be worried about this Wolf guy? Because Wilder clearly is.”
“He ripped out the security system,” Rafael said, handsome even when he was grave. “The unhackable, top-of-the-line, best system in existence. He wouldn’t do that for an imagined threat. Yes, gorgeous. We should be real fucking worried.”
My stomach twisted. “What do we do? I can’t stress about some long-lost brother right now. Wolf kicked me out of the T.O.D. Club. I tried but I can’t even get on the site. The tab has disappeared from my student account. I get an error message when I pull up the page. I just needed one more dare. One more to get to Wesley. Now what! I’ll never get near him with all those bodyguards.”
“Luna.” He shut off the stove. “This is what we do. We completed jobs before the club. This is the most important job we’ll ever do, but we still have to look at it that way. Lift the pressure and work the problem from every angle. We do that and Wesley doesn’t stand a chance.”
“But how? They were packing stun guns before. After Cato put that man in the hospital, they switched to real guns. I won’t let you get shot over a piece of trash like Wesley.”
“We won’t. A guy needs alone time for reasons other than sex. We’ll get him away from them. I already have an idea.”
I pushed back from the table, moving to him. “Tell me.”
“No, you tell me. What’s something you couldn’t stand to have an audience watch you do?”
“I... I don’t know...” I searched my mind. “Have sex. Shower. Use the bathroom—”
He winked.
“The bathroom? Baby, that’s good, but I saw. They wait outside while he uses it. We still can’t get past them.”
“We can if they’re clutching a toilet bowl too, praying for death.”
“Hmm.” I backed up, reclaiming my seat, then my lunch when Rafael passed me my plate. He sat down to eat—grinning at me while I arrived at the same place.
“We put something in their food. Knock all the pins down at once, then snatch the one we need. Where will we bring him when we got him?”
“We won’t have a lot of time. Once the guards realized what happened, they’ll call for back-up. Probably call the cops too. We’ll bring him back here, get what we need out of him, then dump the body.”
Yes, it still struck me that a year ago I was a sweet little Catholic school girl who wouldn’t dream of hurting anyone. But a year ago, my sister was alive.
“How do we do it?” I asked. “When?”
“Wesley stays on campus all day Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Some of his guards bring lunch. Some buy on campus. But all of them get their coffee in the café.”
“The coffee.” I laughed. “It’s always the addictions that get you in the end. Thank Thor for caffeine.”
“We do a dry run tomorrow,” Rafael continued. He reached across and held my hand. The affection from my guys so automatic and constant, they lifted my mood without even trying. “We slip something harmless in the carafe just to prove that we can. Then we track when they come to fill up and how much time that gives us once the emetic starts working.”