She had that determined look in her eyes, the one that made employees who thought she was the ‘good Ashby’ tremble in fear. I knew there was no point wasting time arguing. So I told her every little detail, the weeks of resistance, of fighting the attraction because of her baggage. I looked my sister in the eye and told her how I’d taken Bonnie’s virginity, taken pleasure in her innocent body and then turned around and insulted her.
“I called her a junkie and asked her if she was shooting up before I walked away.”
“Fucking hell, Calvin.” The shock in her voice was an added dose of guilt I didn’t need.
“Yeah, I know. I’m an asshole.”
“Yeah,” she said on a sigh laced with sympathy I didn’t deserve. “You haven’t found her in the city yet?”
I shook my head. “Nope. It’s what has me so fucking worried. There’s no trace of her, but it’s like she just disappeared. Bonnie isn’t tech savvy enough to go off grid on purpose like this.”
That was why every day her body wasn’t found was a good day. I just hoped I found Bonnie before bad luck caught up with her.
“Something has to be wrong.” It was the only thing that made sense. Maybe the Crusaders had found her and were holding her somewhere, making her do terrible things to feed her addiction.
“Fuck!” I said, slapping my desk.
“Maybe she’s not trying to be found, Cal. I mean why would she? Who would be looking for her? The parents who already disowned her? The church people who were happy to turn their backs on her? Or the guy who took her fucking virginity and called her a junkie whore?”
“Sorry,” she said with a dismissive shrug. “But it’s true. She’s not expecting anyone to go looking for her. My guess is she’s gambling or selling her ass to make some quick cash and skip town. It’s what I would do.”
“Given it a lot of thought, have you?”
“Hell yeah. With our family, you have to have a worst case scenario plan. And, I have a few.”
It wasn’t what I wanted to hear. Because of me, Bonnie was at her worst case scenario. I couldn’t imagine her inartful kisses with a paying customer or how she’d react to a guy shoving his cock down her throat. Someone’s filthy hands on her body.
The images that flashed in my head produced a rage that stunned me at the thought of Bonnie selling her body. But now that Kat had put it out there, it was the only thing I could think about.
“At least you gave her a night of kindness.” Kat’s words were like a cold shower, washing away the images and bringing me back to reality.
I turned to my sister, not sure what to say. I wanted to be mad at her for suggesting something so horrifying, but I knew she was just trying to help.
“I don’t know if I can find her, Kat.” My voice was heavy with resignation. “She could be anywhere by now.”
Kat put her hand on my arm and gave me a sympathetic smile. “I know you’ll find her, Calvin. You’re the best brother I could ask for.”
I nodded, but I ignored the question beneath her tone. I knew the act itself didn’t matter, not to women like Bonnie who held on to her virginity for so long, not as much as the memory of what we had shared. And my callous, butt-hurt words had cheapened what should have been a wonderful memory for her.
It was an incredible memory for me and now it was mine alone.
“You did, didn’t you?”
“Of course, I did, but twelve hours later, she disappeared, so how do you think she remembers it?” I gave a humorless laugh. “Probably not as fondly as I do.”
Kat was silent for a moment before she spoke again. “I think you should go find her, Calvin. Show her you care and that you’re sorry for the way you treated her.”
I sighed, knowing she was right. I had to find Bonnie and apologize for what I’d said, even if it meant swallowing my pride.
“Well, keep looking. You’ll find her. She has to be somewhere. I just hope it’s not the morgue,” she said and answered her ringing phone with an apologetic smile and a wave.
I turned back to the screen and kept searching. Bonnie, where are you?
I didn’t want to think about the darker things Bonnie might be doing to survive. But aside from planting ugly thoughts in my head, Kat had given me another place to search for her.
Between Glitz, Mayhem, and Vegas, there was no shortage of brothels, call girls, and escort agencies. Selling was always a lucrative business, so I spent all afternoon scouring photo after photo of young girls promising a night to remember.
I found girls that looked like Bonnie and girls that didn’t, but none of them were her. I was about to give up when I saw a girl in the back row of one agency’s website that looked promising.