“That’s where you’re wrong. It changes every damn thing.” His big hands cupped my face, tilted it up so we were eye to eye once again. “I know your baggage, Bonnie. Your parents fucked you up with a bunch of religious bullshit. Guess what? So did mine, just in different ways. We all cope however we can.”
“Cope? You’re thriving.”
“And with my help and support, my love, you’ll thrive too. I didn’t get this way on my own Bonnie, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. Family isn’t just about rules, it’s about being there. It’s supporting you, the woman I love, however I can. When you’re not strong enough to stand, I’ll be your legs. When you feel too weak to carry on, I’ll be your strength.”
“And what about me Cal? What will I be?”
“You are my strength, Bonnie. I found it because I found you, fell for you. In time you’ll find your path, your passion. I promise.”
“I want to believe you.”
“So do it. You believed in something you saw or felt once, Bonnie, but I’m right here, flesh and blood. Arms and legs,” he ran my hands all over his chest and arms to make his point. “I’m right here, with a heart full of love for you and our baby. Believe in this. Believe in me. Believe in us.”
Believe in us.
How could I not when he stood there with love shining in his eyes, offering me everything I was too afraid to wish for myself. But if I could do it for anyone, it would be this man, in this moment. And I knew I had to go for it.
“I love you too, Calvin.”
He let out a loud whoop and scooped me in his arms, spinning me while his lips found mine in a frantic, fast-paced kiss that stole my breath.
“Say it again.”
I rolled my eyes, a big goofy grin on my face.
“I love you, Calvin Ashby. I love you with my whole heart.”
“I like the sound of that.”
The happiness that shined in his eyes was all the proof I needed that this was his heart’s true desire. It wasn’t born of obligation or responsibility. It was love.
“And I like the sound of forever. With you.”
“Forever, huh?”
I nodded. It was becoming a more intriguing idea by the moment.
“Eventually. I still have to stand on my own.”
He smiled. “I had a feeling you’d say that, and I have a plan.”
I rolled my eyes and leaned my head on his chest. “Of course you have a plan. You’re Calvin Ashby.”
I didn’t know what the plan was, but for some reason, I trusted him, and I was deeply in love with him. Well, as in love with him as I could be at the moment. He’d figure out a plan that I could accept, reluctantly, because it made us both happy.
Because that was the kind of man he was.
And he was mine.
All mine.
“You sure you’re ready to do this?”
Two weeks ago, Bonnie told me she loved me for the first time. Last week, I put a big fat engagement ring on her finger, and she said yes. She said yes! And now we sat in the parking lot of Midnight Mass, waiting to go inside for an unorthodox Sunday dinner where we would share our happy news.
All of it.
Bonnie nodded and put a hand to her head to twirl a lock of hair around her finger like she did when she was nervous, but she’d gone for a sexy updo that made her look like a hot secretary.
“I think so. I really wish Sadie hadn’t decided to close the place down. What if we announced that I was moving out? It would hardly be worth it.”
In the past two weeks, parts of the old Bonnie emerged. She was uptight and worried, damn near anal retentive now that she had started to make a plan for her future.
Our future. I took one hand in mine and pressed my lips to the back.
“Ma is the cleverest woman I know. She’ll think our news worth shutting down for a private party. If it makes you feel better, I’ll pay to rent the place out.”
She turned to me with wide eyes, trying to figure out if I was for real or full of shit. “Now you’re just trying to make me sound ridiculous.”
“I’m not, I swear.” Laughing was about the only thing I could do with her extreme mood swings. “I’m just trying to find a way to get your cute little ass out of this car and into the restaurant. Me and the baby are hungry.”
“You don’t know that,” she insisted just as her stomach let loose a loud hungry roar. "I'm pregnant, I'm always hungry, so that doesn’t mean anything. Oh fine,” she sighed. “Let’s go in and share our good news.”
As soon as Bonnie closed the door behind her, I let out a low laugh and joined her.