I licked my lips, smiling at the guttural sound he made, trying to figure out how to answer. “I liked it. It was strange, salty and musky, but I kind of wanted more.”
He nodded again. “Now you see why I had to have another taste.” His lips curled into an irresistible smile as he pushed my shoulders back until I was flat on my back, and he was kneeling between my legs. “Ready?”
Hell no. “Yep.”
“Bonnie, relax.” His words were patient and his tone, kind. “You’ll like it. I plan to make damn sure of it. But it will be uncomfortable at first.”
I nodded. “I know. I’m ready.” I was ready, and I wanted this, despite the fear that pulsed through me. Or maybe it was anticipation.
Cal lined our bodies up, one hand still gripping his impressive erection as he slid slowly into my body. “Fuck, that’s tight.”
“That’s a good thing…right?” The more he pushed inside me, the fuller I felt, the more the discomfort grew. But I didn’t want it to end.
“More than good,” he said between clenched jaws, gritted teeth. “Fuck, Bonnie.” He pushed one final time and my eyes slammed shut against the searing pain that had already started to dissipate. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” I told him, slowly opening my eyes to see his gaze full of sorrow and determination, but the lust hadn’t cooled. Not even a little. “I’m good.”
He nodded and looked down at me, green gaze practically black with the same desire I felt burning through my veins, his jaws clenched with unspent desire.
“Cal. Move, please.” The longer he stayed there, filling me up, the more I wanted him. The more I needed him.
His hips began to move and it was the very first time in my life that I believed in heaven on Earth, which ironically might be the only heaven that was real.
“Oh, God, Calvin!” It was magnificent and so was watching the gorgeous play of Cal’s body as it moved within me. The muscles bunched and flexed, mesmerizing me with every stroke into my body. It was like watching an athlete train, only more beautiful. More fascinating.
The more he pumped into me, the drunker I felt. The more the high of sex and my impending orgasm took control of my body, the more it carried me away.
I gave in to every feeling, every sensation that went through me, grabbing any piece of hard flesh I could get my hands on and swiping my tongue along the sweaty length of his neck. His shoulder.
His collarbone.
“Oh fuck! Bonnie!” He moved faster and deeper, the mix of pleasure and pain so profound that I could only hang on and feel.
Closer and closer to the surface the pleasure came, sending fireworks exploding behind my eyes as my body grew more and more tense. Tighter. Stiff. Cal’s fists gripped my hips and pumped into me, causing me to feel so much that he was just a blur in my brain. A beautiful blur that brought me right to the edge.
And tossed me over.
That feeling, one of falling from a million miles in the air, was just as intoxicating at the man himself and the way he moved within my body. I now understood the dreamy look that Maisie wore and why men like Wyatt went to such lengths to feel this way. It was incredible. Magnificent. Spectacular.
It was everything.
“Oh God, did I die?” It wasn’t the most eloquent thing a woman had ever said after sex, I was sure, but it was the only thing I could think of other than getting enough oxygen into my lungs.
Calvin laughed and the sound was deep and rumbly, sending more shivers up and down my body.
“Maybe.” His hips flexed one more time, sending shards of light shooting off behind my eyelids and tiny aftershocks pulsing through my body. “How do you feel?”
“Honestly? Like I’ve been into outer space. Like I’ve just had the best drug on the planet. Like I can’t get enough.”
He smiled and leaned forward, pressing a kiss that was far more gentle than everything we’d just done to my lips. It was a sweet kiss, a kind kiss. The kind shared between people who cared about each other. The kind that was meant for people with more between them than just deals and physical release.
This was the loss of my virgin status. But I had to remind myself that Calvin Ashby was a good guy, and he probably made every woman he was with feel special. Not just the needy virginal charity case he took into his family’s home. “I don’t know about those first two, but I can definitely do something about the last part. In a few minutes,” he added with a smile as our bodies separated.
This might only be sex, and I might end up heartbroken, but the promise of feeling that way again?