Page 7 of Entranced

“I’ve never played in a club. I was introduced to BDSM by my friend who brought me here. She gave me some romances that had BDSM in them and I was intrigued by it. A guy I dated tied me up and I liked it. I’ve only been to a club a few times, but all I did was watch.”

“That’s what I suspected. Do you want to try a scene?” His demo with Yvette had been fun, but since she belonged to another Dom, it restricted what he could do with her. He was definitely up for a scene with someone totally under his control, and the lovely Teigen would be a perfect choice.

“I’m not sure that would be a great idea since we still have to do the interview. Wouldn’t it be weird?”

“Not if you don’t want it to be. I have been able to separate my work life from the lifestyle for many years. I know you’re new to all this, but I think you could do it as well.”

“I guess so, but I definitely don’t want to be hypnotized!” Her vehemence surprised him. Keeping her secrets safe was clearly a major concern.

“I respect that, Teigen, and I would never overstep your boundaries. I thought we could try some light bondage, which you say you like, with some sensation play. Nothing too intense for our first time playing together.”

“I guess that would be okay. But I won’t get naked in public. If you can accept that, I could try it.”

Not his preference but he could definitely deal with it. “Give me your hand.”

He reached his palm across the table, and thankfully she put her hand in his. Massaging her with his thumb, he regarded her in all seriousness. “You have all the control in any scene. Nothing, and I do mean nothing, happens without your consent. If anyone ever tries to push you into something you don’t want to do, get away from them as quickly as possible. If you don’t want to be naked, we will leave on that pretty top you’re wearing that exposes your breasts in such an enticing manner. What do you have on under your skirt?”

Teigen squirmed and her beautiful blush reappeared. “Lace panties.”

“Are you comfortable in just your panties or does the skirt stay.”

Biting her plump sensuous lip, something Ellison would love to do himself, she thought about it. “Panties are okay.”

“Good. Anything else I should be careful of—concerns, fears, health issues, or triggers? Anywhere you don’t want me to touch you?”


The drawn-out word set off his radar. He stopped massaging her and gripped her more firmly. “I have to have the truth, Teigen. I won’t play with someone I don’t feel safe with, and if you don’t tell me everything I need to know before we play, we can skip it.”

She tried to pull away from him, but he wouldn’t let her. She had to learn this lesson now, before she went any further in her exploration of the lifestyle.Thiswas nonnegotiable.

“I’m waiting.”

Her eyes dropped, and he let her get away with it as long as she told him what she needed to.

“I can’t have orgasms, so when nothing happens during play, it’s not your fault.” A harsh breath whooshed from her lips.

My God!Who the hell had shebeenwith?In his experience, women who didn’t orgasm usually hadn’t had sex or scened with someone sensitive to their needs. “Hey, it’s okay. We don’t have to worry about that today. We’re just going to have a little fun. Come with me.”

He stood and she followed. Keeping hold of her hand, he led her back to the stage. “I need to get my toy bag from backstage. Stay right here.”

He pointed to a spot in front of him and she nodded as she stepped forward.

“Good girl.”

The way her face lit up when he praised her clued him into the fact that she probably hadn’t been given much approval in her life. He had to make sure she knew she was appreciated when she was with him. She was such a delicious morsel, she had to be made aware of it at every opportunity. As a Dom, it was his job to make sure that happened. It was his responsibility.

He ran up the steps and grabbed his bag. He didn’t want to leave her alone for too long in case her nervousness got the better of her. Thankfully she was still where he’d left her when he returned.

The St. Andrew’s cross he wanted to put her on wasn’t too far from the stage. Ellison put down his bag and took hold of Teigen’s arms. When she wouldn’t look at him, he lifted her chin. “One more thing, and it’s important. If at any time you want to stop, use the club safe word ‘Red.’ If you need a breather, if it gets too intense, say ‘Yellow.’ If I ask and you’re okay with what’s happening, you’re ‘Green.’ Do you understand?”


He stroked her arms, and she trembled under his touch. When was the last time he’d been with someone who reacted to him that way. His dick began to take notice.

“Good girl. Do you want to take off your skirt, or would you like me to do it?”

“I’ll do it.”