Page 37 of Entranced

“I don’t believe in involving non-kinky people who haven’t consented to view our play. I’m not going to snap my fingers in a restaurant and have you come for all to see. But do you also mean with kinky people, like when we’re at Black Light? You’ve done scenes there when you were naked and orgasmed in front of others. Isn’t this almost the same thing? People orgasm there in public all the time. It certainly wouldn’t be something they haven’t seen before.”

She didn’t like the idea. She hoped he’d respect her feelings on this. With trepidation she laid her feelings bare. “So here’s the thing. It’s one thing when we’re in a scene and all I’m focusing on is you. I can block everyone else out and just be in the moment. But if we’re sitting at a table at the bar, and you snap your fingers and I come, I’m pretty sure it will be so embarrassing, I’ll want to sink into the ground.”

“You’re not into humiliation play. I guess you’ve had all the humiliation you could stand already in your life. I mean to be respectful of that at all times. I will admit orgasm on demand has been something I’ve played with with other subs in front of other people. With them it was all in good fun. However, I won’t do that with you. I have no desire to push you in a direction that makes you ill-at-ease. We’ve worked so hard to get you to be able to get the negative voices out of your head. I’m not going to do anything that would destroy your confidence.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. She loved being with Ellison at home, out on the town, and at the club. Knowing he wouldn’t embarrass her allowed her to be comfortable with him wherever they went.

“You have no idea how happy that makes me.”

“I’m glad. Now do you have any other concerns you’d like to discuss?”

She shook her head.

“Then get over here and sit on my lap so I can hold you. I need to feel your soft curves against me.”

She jumped up to obey him. She needed to feel his strong arms around her as she pressed up against his hard body. The thought crossed her mind that she might not need him to snap his fingers for her to orgasm. Just being wrapped in his embrace turned her on. One day it might even make her orgasm. You never know.

* * *


Having Teigen curled up in his lap after their last scene was a bit challenging. It only exacerbated the hard-on he’d developed watching her come apart for him. He was curious to see how long it would take her to acknowledge his condition.

Fortunately, not very.

Her voice barely a whisper, she said, “Excuse me, sir.”

“Yes, Teigen?”

“Um…is there anything I can do to help you out?”

Not bad, but it needed work. “Help me out how?”

“Weeelll, I seem to be sitting on a very large log. I think you might have something to do with that.”

Humor. He was impressed. “Yes, Teigen. If you’d like to slide down to your knees, you could both make up for your earlier brattiness and help me out.”

“That’s not much of a punishment, sir. I’d definitely enjoy doing that.”

“I’m not a big fan of real punishment for small transgressions. And I suspect you’ve never done this before, so it could be more of a challenge than you’re anticipating.”

Her eyes opened wide, her lips pressed firmly together. A little fear. He didn’t mind that. He’d guide her through it, and if it became too much, they’d find another way to deal with his problem. He suppressed a chuckle. He didn’t want her to think he was laughing at her.

“On your knees, Teigen. I’m going to teach you to worship your Dom’s cock.”

“Are you sure I shouldn’t be hypnotized for this?”

His laugh erupted when he saw her cockeyed grin. “You little vixen. Down on your knees. Now.”

She slid down in one smooth movement, looking up at him expectantly.

“Undo my button, slide down the zipper and take out my cock.”

She followed his instructions then leaned forward to take him in her mouth.

“Uh-uh-uh. Did I say to do that?”

She put her hands down at her sides. “Sorry, sir.”