Page 18 of Entranced

“Teigen, look at me.” At her pitiful responses, he quirked an eyebrow. “What’s going on? You don’t look happy to see me.”

* * *


She curled in on herself right before his eyes. He couldn’t let her get away with backsliding on their progress in connecting with one another. “I need you to answer me, Teigen. Did you not want to see me here tonight? Did you put on that lovely red dress for someone else?”

“No! I picked it out for you. Well, actually, Maria picked it out, but I wore it for you…to make you interested in wanting to play with me…Oh God, I didn’t mean to tell you that!”

She looked mortified, but he couldn’t stop himself from laughing.

“Please, don’t laugh at me!”

“I assure you, Teigen, I am not laughing at you. I’m delighted that you wanted to please me by wearing that alluring dress. You were successful. I definitely want to play with you tonight.”

He held out his arms and waited for her to come to him. She hesitated, the war between her distress and her desire playing out on her face. He nudged her in his direction. “Come to me, Teigen.”

He embraced her the minute she took the requisite step forward, holding her close in the middle of the chaos of the room, creating a circle in which there was no one but the two of them. He stroked her back and instructed her, “Close your eyes and breathe with me. I want you to relax. Ignore everything. Let your stress go.”

He felt her shoulders release their tension, and her breathing began to match his own. He stood there holding her until he felt her lean into him, letting him bear her weight.

“That’s a good girl. I would like to take you over to a table and sit and have a drink. Are you ready for that?”

She nodded into his chest.

“Good.” He released her, took her hand and led her to a secluded table in the corner of the bar. Once they’d ordered a drink, he leaned back in his chair in a casual pose, hoping she would mirror his attitude. He wanted her to relax, to enjoy her surroundings, to get in tune with herself. BDSM could be dangerous if not done with proper precautions, and one had to be careful when they played, but it didn’t mean you couldn’t have fun. It was apparent to him that even after leaving the hospital, Teigen hadn’t had a lot of fun. Perhaps tonight was the night.

She settled into her chair but brought her arms across her chest.

He had to fix her attitude, open her up to him. Reorienting her physical stance would help. “I’d like you relax your shoulders and put your hands comfortably in your lap. Then tell me if you masturbated this week.”

Her eyes rounded and her mouth dropped. She leaned forward to speak but apparently thought better of it, because she leaned back in her chair and dropped her hands to her lap. She clasped and unclasped them a few times before she composed herself and looked up at him. “I can’t believe you asked me that question.”

“It’s an important question. We worked on your achieving pleasure by your own hand. It’s only natural for me to see if you did any homework. So, did you?”

Her response was a curt “No.” It wasn’t enough. Despite her resistance, he needed her to cooperate with him.

“Did you try and then stop, or did you not try at all?” He didn’t move from his laid-back position, conveying the impression that there was nothing probing about the questions he was asking. Just a pleasant conversation between friends.

The crimson flush he enjoyed so much crept up her cheeks. “I didn’t try at all. After the last time we were together, I wasn’t going to risk it.”

“It shouldn’t be a risk, Teigen. I know you’re concerned, but if you think about it, the worst thing that could happen is you don’t come. You shouldn’t be ashamed or embarrassed by that.”

She rolled her eyes at him, something he’d have to train her not to do if she was going to be his.


He realized that at least for now, he wanted that. His desire to protect her overwhelmed him, a new feeling for him. He’d have to get a collar for her to wear in the club to keep away the Doms he’d noticed hovering around her earlier.

“I mean it, Teigen. I know you’ve grown up with negative views about your sexuality, but it’s something I’m determined to erase. I want you to learn how to appreciate your beautiful body and the joy it can give you.”

Their drinks arrived, and he could see she was relieved to have a distraction from the conversation. He wasn’t going to allow it to last. The minute the serving sub left, he continued.

“I have an idea for a scene tonight that I think you will enjoy. Are you okay with getting wet?”

“I’m not sure. Getting wet how?”

“I want to take you to the water play area. You will need to get naked and not worry about getting any part of your body wet. I’m sure you spent time doing your hair, but I’m probably going to mess it up. Can you deal with that?”