Page 62 of Entranced




“Uh-uh-uh, Teigen. That’s wrong. We start over.”

A ripple of laughter went through the crowd.

What?How the hell did I mess up? If she had to start over, this could get to be more than her now hot ass could handle.



The smacks continued and she dutifully counted, getting more and more uncomfortable with the pain, until Ellison stopped at eight and admonished her again.

Her confusion was monumental. She was counting like he told her to. What was wrong?

“Before we start again, does anyone have the time? I’d like to get home at a reasonable hour.”

A voice from the crowd. “It’s ten o’clock, old man. Still pretty early.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize it was only ten o’clock.”

Teigen couldn’t help herself. “Who cares what time it is. Can we just get this over with?”

A ripple of laughter went through the crowd.

Ellison stroked her ass. “As you wish.”



As the count continued, Teigen noticed that, though the smacks still hurt, her pussy contracted with each swat, revving up her arousal. So this was the whole pain morphing into pleasure thing.





A cheer went up through the crowd.What the hell?





