Page 27 of Entranced

She leaned back and raised her head, her eyes seeking his.

“How do you feel?”

“Like I’ve just run a marathon.”

He smiled down at her and stroked her arms. “You did. You let go like I haven’t seen you do before. I’m so proud of you.”

“I think I’m proud of me too.” She started to get up.

“Where are you going?”

“I need water. I’m parched.”

“I’ll go get it. I want you to lie down and rest. I’ll be right back.

Dragging himself away from the warm satisfied bundle of woman, he found a package of spring water in the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle, he went back to the bedroom only to find Teigen sprawled across the bed fast asleep.

He was tempted to let her rest, but if she were dehydrated, she’d wake up with a headache, not a reaction he hoped for the next morning. He wanted her to wake up feeling blissed out on the after effects of the blinding orgasm she’d experienced.

He sat next to her on the bed and pulled her into his arms. “Wake up, Teigen. You need to drink some water.”

“No. I don’t wanna.”

Accessing his most forceful Dom voice, he demanded, “Wake up and drink. Now.”

He pressed the opened bottle to her lips and tilted it slightly. Thankfully, she began to drink. She sipped on the water till the bottle was half empty then pushed it away.

“No more.”

“Okay. I guess you’ve had enough. You can go back to sleep.”

She rolled gracefully out of his arms and back onto the pillows, asleep in an instant.

Ellison covered her up and kissed her on the forehead. “Get a good night’s rest and I’ll call you in the morning.”

His words probably didn’t even invade her sleep, but he’d call her early so she wouldn’t feel abandoned when she woke up. Sleeping in bed with her wasn’t an option. Pressed up against her warm soft curves would be more challenging than he could take.

On the ride home he reflected on Teigen’s progress. She’d probably be able to respond now to him as a Dom without his having to put her under. He wasn’t sure how many times he’d be able to watch her explode in a mind-shattering orgasm without getting off as well. He derived immense satisfaction in her accomplishment, and it turned him the hell on. But his dick was getting impatient—it wanted in on the action—but once again, he’d have to take care of it once he got home.



Teigen crawled out of bed the next morning aching and parched. She finished the half bottle of water on her nightstand but needed more. Grabbing a robe, she made her way to the kitchen just as her phone rang, forcing her to run back to the bedroom to answer it. Her head was spinning by the time she picked up the phone.

“What?” she barked in her discomfort.

“That’s not a very nice greeting.”

Ellison?Why wasn’t he here? Her brain finally connected that it was morning and she was alone.

“Leaving me without a word wasn’t a very nice goodbye,” she huffed.

“But I did say goodbye. You were too tired to hear it.”

She lay back down on her bed, her feet dangling. “I didn’t want you to leave.”

“I didn’t want to leave either, but I didn’t feel you were ready for anything more. And I had to be onsite early this morning, so I didn’t want to disturb you when I left.”