Page 21 of Entranced

She rolled her eyes at him and he swatted her ass, though with the towel around her, it didn’t have much of an impact. But it got her attention.

“Hey, why’d you do that?”

“You may not be mine yet, but you will not roll your eyes at me or treat me with disrespect. I don’t do it to you and I expect the same courtesy.”

She absorbed what he was saying, but the word “yet” stood out. Did he really mean it…or was he just saying it for effect? She couldn’t believe he’d be interested in someone with so many issues. Maybe he saw her as a challenge to his hypnotism skills, and once he’d conquered her, he’d move on. He was in for a rude awakening. She may have had her first orgasm, but she was far from being fixed.

* * *


Teigen was certainly an enigma it was going to take Ellison a while to figure out. Her having an orgasm was the tip of the iceberg. Her self-esteem was so buried under a pile of judgment and disdain, it was going to take him some time to sift through it all and help her believe in herself, in her right to experience arousal and an orgasm, in her right to be happy.

He had his work cut out for him, but she was worth whatever time and effort it took. When she let go, it was miraculous, her joy in discovering herself compelling to be around. She was smart, interesting to have discussions with, and not the least of all, she was so beautiful. Her soft curly red hair was made for him to run his fingers through while he lost himself in her expressive green eyes, and her smooth peaches-and-cream skin that encased her voluptuous curves demanded his caresses. He wasn’t giving up on her even though she seemed to give up on herself.

Once she left for the locker room, he toweled himself off and dressed. After running a comb through his hair, he went to wait for her at the lockers. She came bounding out and turned toward the exit.

“Weren’t you going to say goodbye?” He tried not to sound accusing, but he was a bit offended that she would leave without seeing him.

She looked somewhat sheepish when she turned in his direction. “Sorry. I’m gonna call an Uber. Thanks for the scene. I’ll talk to you soon.”

Fuck no!“Not so fast. You don’t need an Uber. I’ll take you home. I don’t want to argue about this every time we play, Teigen. I’m not letting you go home alone after an emotional scene. You don’t get to run from me…or your feelings.”

“I’m not—”

“Don’t even go there! I’m waiting.”

He stared her down till she agreed.

When she picked up her phone and coat from her locker, he instructed her, “Now text your friend and tell her I’m taking you home.” She did as he demanded but not without a pout on her face. “Okay, now I’ll just grab my jacket and we’ll go.”

He unlocked his locker, put on his jacket, then picked up his toy bag and took her hand. “Let’s go.”

He was gratified when she gave him a “yes, sir.” At least they’d made some progress.

He needed to see her again, and not in a BDSM context. On the way out he reminded her of their date. Surprisingly she remained open to the idea. That was a relief. He was taking one step forward and two steps back each time he spent time with her in a scene. He had to use their time together outside the lifestyle to get her to trust him and to have fun together. It would help them bond, and he needed that if he was going to get anywhere with her. He didn’t want to admit to himself that she might need more than he could give her, that a therapist would be more effective than he was.

Yet when he thought about it, she’d had a lot of therapy while she was recovering from her panic attacks. It had taken her a long way, allowing her to get away from her family and go to school, but it hadn’t been able to get the negative voices totally out of her head, particularly when it came to sex. He had a few things going for him a therapist didn’t; he was totally invested in her progress, and his techniques allowed him to bypass the voices, at least temporarily. That was significant.

She was pretty quiet on the drive home. He allowed her to stay in her own thoughts, but when they arrived at her house, he turned off the car and turned to look at her.

“What’s been going on in the restless brain of yours on the way home?”

She remained silent.Not acceptable.

“Teigen, I need you to look at me and tell me what you’re thinking. We just had an intense scene, and you didn’t even allow me the opportunity to give you aftercare. I will not leave until you talk to me.”

She turned sideways in her seat, curling her foot underneath her. “I think I told you everything you need to know. I don’t know what else to say.”

He took her hand in his, circling it with his thumb. “Do you feel you made any progress tonight?”

“I guess. I mean, of course. I never had an orgasm before, so that’s a big thing. I’m just worried that the voices in my head will never go away. And that…eventually…you will.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” He caressed her cheek, then leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips. She audibly sighed.

“I hope that’s a sigh of pleasure and not of resignation.”

She cupped his face and gazed into his eyes. “I’m afraid it’s a combination of both. I appreciate that you feel committed to be with me while I take this journey. I’m not sure you’ll be able to stick it out till the end.”