Page 79 of Collateral

“He had Selena’s card,” Gage said.

“Okay.” Clare strode ahead of him. She shoved open the doors to the barn, which was basically a garage and the whole ground floor behind the lobby. Rows of cars of all kinds, new and old. Vans, little two-seater vintage sports cars. Her motorcycle. Peter’s Ducati. Bob’s beat-up pickup truck. An entire row of armored SUVs.

Alex crept toward them along the wall, about to run.

“Why waste my time making me chase you?” Clare asked. She spotted Peter behind Alex. “Besides, you’re boxed in.”

He blinked.

She strode right up to him, knowing she had backup. “Start talking.”

“He’ll kill her.” Alex gasped, tears filling his eyes. “I have to get the diamonds before…”

Gage stepped up beside her. “Before what?”

If Clare had to guess, it probably had to do with whatever the schematics had been for. “You don’t get the diamonds until you tell us everything.” As if she would give them to him.

“I have to get out by ten after. That’s the cutoff.” He looked at his watch. “I have to be clear of the building by then.” He shifted, agitated and in a hurry.

Gage said, “What will happen at ten after?”

“The whole building is gonna explode.”


“Roll the bomb squad. Now.” Gage gripped the phone and paced to the front doors. They had to get everyone out. He spun back, half listening to the department dispatcher. “Clear the building!” He moved the phone away from his ear. “Everyone out!”

Her people started to move.

Gage palmed his cuffs with his other hand, sliding them off his belt.

Alex saw.

“Gotta go.” He hung up the phone. “You’re under arrest.” He dragged the young man to the door. “Let’s go!”

No way was Gage going to let anyone get caught in here when there were barely minutes to spare until a possible explosion took out the entire building.

“You are not sending the bomb squad over.” Clare’s voice filtered over from behind him.

“Everyone needs to move back! There could be a bomb! No one goes inside!” Gage used his “lieutenant on crowd control” voice. “Everyone back!”

People started to murmur.

“It’s okay, everyone!”

He spun to see Clare had raised her hands. “Okay? We need to get these people back.” He put cuffs on Alex as he spoke.

She strode over. “We don’t need the bomb squad.” She spun back. “Simon?”

“Yes, ma’am.” The IT department twin tapped the screen of his laptop. He already knew what to do?

“Wanna loop me in?” Gage said.

Clare set her hand on her hip. “Like you did before you called the bomb squad? We have no idea where the device is. You think I’m gonna let a bunch of cops traipse through my building?”

“I think they use robots, actually.”

Alex grunted. Not quite a laugh but enough to draw Clare’s attention. She shot a glare at him, then, “Jesus, help us.”