Page 61 of Bonded to the Beast



When I dash into the village square and see that Loki’s hands are in front of him, a length of brilliant gold chains connecting his wrists, I almost lose my fucking mind.

He’s not alone. Since I left him with Mal, a small crowd has formed. I see Apollyon and Lilith, Mal and Shannon, a few villagers on the edge of the square, and two males flanking my mate.

Both of them are in their shadow forms. They’re the only ones. One of them has purple eyes, like Loki; the other’s glow a vivid green.

A jolt slams into me, one of Loki’s memories slipping out past the shadows. The male with the purple eyes is Sammael, the duke’s personal mage and Loki’s former mentor. The green-eyed demon is Glaine, the duke’s soldier. When Duke Haures takes a prisoner, he sends these two.

Sammael forges the chain. Glaine enforces the duke’s will, bringing his charge to stand before the demon duke.

And now they’ve come for Loki.


Loki’s head jerks up. His purple eyes are a dimmer shade than usual. Because of the chains, I realize. There’s magic in the links and they’re doing something to weaken him.

“Kennedy,” he whispers. “Go.”

As if.

“What’s going on? Loki, why are you wearing chains?”

He doesn’t answer me. No one does.

At least, not yet.

Now, I arrived only seconds after Shannon did. While I’m gaping at the chains, she’s running her hands over her mate’s bulk.

That’s when I notice the blood shimmering from a set of puncture wounds and tears in his shoulders. As red as his skin, I only see it because itdoesshimmer.

Furious, she jerks her bloody thumb at Loki. “Did he do that to you, Mal? ‘Cause I’m about to kick his ass if he did.”

“Do not worry about me, my mate.”

Mal goes from his demon form to his shadows, then back again. He’s completely healed, no sign of the puncture wounds left on his tattooed chest.

She sniffs. “Fine. But I don’t care. Chains or no chains, I can take him.”

No she couldn’t. Especially if my mate lost enough control that he gored his fellow demon, he would’ve made mincemeat of her. Up until now, though, I never thought him possible of that—but I saw the puncture wounds. There were two distinct holes, one for each of the horns on one side of his head.

Is that why he’s chained? Did he turn on Malphas and the duke’s guards came for him?

No.No. A combination of Loki’s recent memory and his scattered emotions plus Shannon’s comment makes me realize what must have happened.

The guards were already here. To keep Loki contained in case I wanted to leave with Shannon and Mal and my mate wouldn’t willingly let me. He must have lost some control, attacking the other demon male, and the guards took the chance to chain him up.

And that’s when Glaine basically confirms my suspicion when he says, “He’s a danger to all of demonkind. Anyone who is fully demonic must be executed.”

“But he survived the shadows,” Apollyon tells Glaine. “If you banish him there, what then?”

Glaine’s green eyes glitter. “Duke Haures has other ways to punish rogues.”

What? No!

I dash in front of Loki.