Page 49 of Bonded to the Beast

I ask for a couch. I get a couch.

We fuck on the couch.

I ask for shadow blankets. Now that we’re bonded mates, my temperature matches his—just like my lifespan does because, yeah, one perk of making the mate’s promise is that I’mimmortal—but I’ve always been a creature of comfort. I want a blanket. He makes me countless.

Every single one of them ends up on the floor after another vigorous mating session.

Loki assures me that the lust I’m feeling is perfectly normal. It’s our reward for becoming forever mates. He believes it’s a blessing from the demon gods he reveres—that he thanks daily for giving me to him—and instead of suffering from mate sickness, we’re both just horny as hell.

I’ve never had a guy so insatiable for me before. While it’s tough for me to tap into Loki’s essence and wade through his memories, I know enough that this is also completely normal for demon males. They wait their whole lives, no matter how long it takes, to find their fated female. I was his first, his last, his only.

And now that he has me, he wants to have me every way he can—and I’m okay with that.

Because while Loki wasn’t my first or my only, he’s the one I chose and I’m growing more and more confident in my decision everyday.

Just like I’m falling more and more in love with my demon at the same time.

He makes it so easy. Especially when I can sense his love for me like a warmth in the center of my chest, pulsing down our bond… he means it when he tells me he loves me. I might have thought this was all about sex for him, but it isn’t. Not entirely. Mating just reinforces our bond, while the little things he does for me day to day proves how much he cares.

Take my new dresses for example.

So used to weaving clothes out of shadows, Loki finds it frustratingly hard to create dresses and shorts and underwear out of fabric. I know someone can. The few glimpses of the female demons—demonesses—I got showed most of them wearing fabric clothes. Loki promises to get them for me, and by our second day here, I have one.

It’s huge on me, obviously made for a demoness, but I’m so pleased at his effort to get one that I shrug it right off and basically jump my mate. Well, after I made sure he didn’t steal it. Demons see things differently than humans do—obviously, since Loki was convinced he had the right to take me with him when he recognized me as his mate—and I didn’t want some demoness blaming him when one of her red dresses went missing.

He vowed that he bartered for it. I believe him.

If there’s one thing I’m sure, it’s that my demon mate will never, ever lie to me…

The other villagers are leery of him at first. Before long, though, they see how awesome it can be to have a mage around. When the only demon I knew was Loki, I figured everyone could do what he does.

Nope. Creating those floating lights that kept his shack illuminated in the shadows is considered a special talent. Conjuring things from thin air, too. No one else in Nuit has the gift, mainly because any purple-eyed demon is sent to the capital in Sombra to study magic.

Loki did once. The School of Mages is a faint memory that I pick out of his essence, but like everything else about him, when I prod it further, all I get is a nasty headache and more questions about this interesting male.

He’s a mage. He lived in the shadows. I check out every demon in Nuit once I feel comfortable enough to walk around the village square. Loki is the only one that hastwosets of horn.

When I point that out to him, he nuzzles me close before rumbling softly, “A unique human female for the most powerful two-horn. The gods knew to pair us up.”

Who knows? Maybe they did.

* * *

There’sa reason why Apollyon’s mate, Lilith, is known as the clanmother.

About a week after me, Loki, and Freya traveled into the village, taking over Loki’s old, empty house, she arrived at the door with a platter of freshly baked buns with a sticky, sweet syrup on top and a book.

“Loki mentioned that you were a bookseller,” she says warmly, handing over the platter of delicious-looking buns. “He also said that you only have one right now since you accepted him as your mate. I thought you’d like another.”

Taking the book next, nearly squealing with delight that I find had something to read that wasn’t theGrimoire du Sombra, I invited Lilith in to share a bun and meet Freya.

With a kind smile, she says, “Of course.”

And that’s how I get my first friend in Sombra.

Even better, she’s a treasure trove of information.

I might not be able to always get the answers I want about life in Sombra from Loki or his essence, but Lilith isn’t only the clanmother. She’s the clan teacher, and while she tends to the spawn in the village, she makes time for me when she can considering there’s always someone who needs her.