Page 45 of Bonded to the Beast

As Loki watches me curiously, I get up from the bed and go over to where I leave the grimoire.

As if it just belongs there, I’ve kept The Beanery receipt as a place marker on the page that changed my life. Flipping open to the true love spell, I bring the book over to the nearest floating light.

Tracing my fingertip down the page, I get to the first line of the passage marked ‘promise’. I read it to myself first, and when it all makes sense to me for the first time ever, I read it out loud:

“My soul will be yours. My heart is in your hands. Our lives will be forever intertwined. I give myself to you. I give you everything.”

That done, feeling no different than I did a second ago, I flip the book closed.

“Okay. What do we do now?”

White eyes or purple eyes, it doesn’t matter. When Loki turns his high-beams on me like that, I know exactly what we’re going to do even before he disappears my shadowy dress.

Well. We are mates, aren’t we?

* * *

As though eager toprove that we were fully bonded, Loki mated me into damn near unconsciousness. I finally had to push him off of me to get some sleep, grumbling as he laughed boyishly at how I used the same words from before, just in a whole different mood.

Now he knows that he’s welcome, that I’m not going to leave him. That, plus the three different rounds of sex we had before I was kaput has him in such a good mood, it’s almost contagious.

I don’t know how long I slept for. Well-pleasured and pressed up against Loki’s chest, when I finally wake up again, he’s staring down at me.

“Morning, my mate.”

It’s funny how, in a world that’s full of shadows, my body eventually found its own circadian rhythm. You’d think it was midnight it you looked out the window, but when Loki says ‘morning’, I one hundred percent agree that it is.


“Would it make you happy if we returned to the village?”


Okay. I’m not awake enough for an actual conversation, especially not one that catches me off guard. Times like these I miss my morning coffee, but since all Loki has is water, I had to give that up cold turkey.

More proof that my mate must really love me. That caffeine withdrawal was no joke, and if he could put up with the me during those days when I was going through it, he’ll put up with anything.

I blink the last of the sleep from my eyes and say, “What?”

He nuzzles the top of my head with his chin before pulling back. “While you were sleeping, I tried to think what I could do to make you happy. You want to go home.”

I did. “Loki… I mated you. We’re bonded. This is my home now. Our home.”

He grins, showing me his fang. I can sense his pleasure at hearing me say ‘our’, as well as his body stirring at the reminder of our mating.

However, instead of rolling me onto my back, he stays on his side. “It is. But before I… I lost myself to my shadows, I conjured another home for me and mate. Back in Nuit.”

I’ve heard of that before. No. Wait. That’s a Loki thought. He knows Nuit, which means I do now, and it’s the demon village that Loki used to live in before—

Ouch. I thought I was over the worst of the withdrawal, but the sudden throbbing in my skullhurt.

“Kennedy?” Worry fills his tone. “You alright, my mate?”

I don’t nod, just in case. “Yeah. Sorry. You were saying?”

“I was wondering you wanted to come live with me in Nuit?”

Right. “Where you’re from?”