Page 29 of Bonded to the Beast

He can wait all he wants. That’s not my style.

He’s all I have. I’m assuming he’s not the only of his kind, but for whatever reason, when I read that spell, he’s the one who answered. He brought me back home with him. I have a pretty solid guesswhy, but until we can actually communicate with each other, guessing is all I can do.

I need to understand his motives. Is it just sex? Because he can get the fuck out of here with that. As big and ferocious-looking as he is, he’s been kind. I couldn’t have asked for a more attentive captor if I had to be kidnapped. Loki’s been insistent on taking care of me, and I’m going to let him.

And then, when we can finally communicate, I’m going to convince him that I belong back in the human world.

First things first. We need to communicate.

Well. Before I decided to be a bookseller, I played around with the idea of being an English teacher instead.

Looks like I’m going to get the chance.




Tyler once accused me of not knowing what I wanted. I didn’t understand what he meant. I made it clear that my goal was to open my bookshop, get married, have kids. It was my life’s plan.

I’vealwaysknown what I wanted.

Until a seven foot tall monster with two sets of horns and a sexy smile stalked into my life and carried me kicking and screaming into his.

At least I know where I am now. This shadowy world is known as Sombra. Pretty obvious right?Grimoire du Sombra…grimoire of Sombra.

Sombra’s grimoire.

Do I knowwhatSombra is? Nope. I did learn that there are more of his kind of monster who live here, though Loki’s eyes flare when I make a miming gesture asking if we have neighbors. I decided to take that as a no. Wherever we are, we’re off the Sombra grid, I bet.

At least we have water and a toilet. It could’ve been worse.

Just like I could’ve been taken hostage by a monster more interested in getting into my nonexistent panties than trying his best to make me feel comfortable in his small home.

I keep expecting him to try again. To crook his finger or even take hold of his cock and start stroking like he did my first day here. He doesn’t. As though he finally got it through his thick skull that I’m not interested in banging him, he ignores his constant erection as we begin to have as normal a routine as you can have after being kidnapped by a monster.

And when I find myself sneaking glances at his dick more than he should, I finally understand what my ex was getting at. Because while my dreams of love and kids in the future haven't changed, I kind of… I kind of start seeing myself with Loki.

Crazy, isn’t it? Over the last two weeks together, we’ve exchanged enough words that we can have a stilted conversation together. Is that enough to throw away my old life for one in the shadows?

For the first time in a long time, I don’t know what I want.

It’s not all roses here. There are good days and there are bad days. Most of the bad days are when I get frustrated and just need my space. As if he can sense when I’m at the end of my rope, Loki disappears into the shadows for hours until he slinks back into our room.

He always has a gift for me. Fiery flowers and shards of volcanic glass that glimmers in the floating lights. Strongly black plants that made me nervous, but that Freya devoured. When Loki took one of the stems, coyly waving it in front of my face, I ate it and almost moaned when it tasted like popcorn of all things.

After that, he find me other edible flowers and plants. Some sweet, some savory, some that tasted like straight grass, I’m a lot happier when my meals aren’t entirely hunks of seared meat.

I know what he’s doing, too. He’s courting me. An old-fashioned term for my monster, but it fits. Providing for me, too.

Showing me he could be a good partner.

How can I not start falling for him?

One thing I can’t get him to understand is how gross I started to feel about a week after he brought me here. There was a point where I’d kill for a shower. Every time Loki leaves the house, he brings back a layer of dust with him. He doesn’t need to bathe. Shifting forms burns off any dirt or—after a hunt—blood that might have clung to him.

Not me. I passed two days ago, and when I realized that he wasn’t hiding a bathtub around here, I started to wash up using the water tube. Rinsing my hair was pretty easy, even if I didn’t have anything to cleanse it with.