Page 27 of Bonded to the Beast

I decide that’s his equivalent to taking your bra off after a long day at work. It signals that you’re in for the evening. Makes sense to me. If the outside of his… house, I guess… is only shadow, he’d stand out if he didn’t match.

He gives no sign that he’s tired. Do monsters sleep? He has a bed, so he must, but I don’t even know if he slept at all last night. I’m pretty sure I knocked out first, and then he was already awake and in my closet by the time I got up again. But the way he watches me… it’s like he’s afraid I’ll disappear if he closes his eyes.

If I knew how to, Iwould.

Eventually, I have to admit that I can’t stay up any longer. Maybe if I had my usual coffee before Loki stole me from my apartment, I might have. I’m already sitting on the edge of the bed, Freya cozied up next to me; like Loki, she doesn’t want to let me out of her sight. Over the next few minutes, I start to slump a little.

He catches on. After another round of seared meat, Loki tried to join me on the bed. The moment he put his bulk down on the edge, I jumped up, Freya hopping up to follow me.

My message was clear. The two of us on the bed at the same time was a no-go.

Since then, he’s been sitting in the shadows on the other side of the room. He doesn’t hide the fact that he’s staring, shifting every time I breathe wrong, but he gives me my space.

At least, he does until I finally start to curl up in the middle of the bed.

Loki immediately hops to his feet.

As tired as I am, I keep one eye quirked open. He wouldn’t dare—

He does. Easing his big body over the far side of his massive bed, he’s trying to join me.

Oh, no. This monster is going to learn. Kennedy is stubborn. He wants to lay in the bed?

I’ll sleep on the floor.

He huffs, patting the bed. “Ken-dee.”

I shake my head. “No.”

I shake my head, but as I sit cross-legged on the floor, that’s not all that’s shivering.

Holy shit, it’s freezing cold down here. My skirt’s too short to cover anything more than my ass, and I jump back up when my bare thighs hit the ground.

Okay. I can’t lay on the floor without snatching the sheet off the bed.

That’s what I was going to do—but before I can, Loki is suddenly there. I’d forgotten how fast he could be. I can barely take a step away from his solid bulk before he lays the back of his hand on my cheek.

I gasp, and then I understand.

Back at my apartment, I noticed how feverish he felt. His temperature was noticeably hotter than mine, but not enough to make me burn. It actually ramped up my need a little, if I’m being honest. Like Loki being hot just made mehotter.

I’ve been shivering on and off since he brought me here. Despite the heat the rushed out of the void, his home is dark and gloomy, and it feels like late autumn/early winter in New York while I’m dressed for May.

Obviously, the chill doesn’t bother Loki—I mean, he’s still naked—but my fingers passed the ice cube stage a while ago.

I want a blanket. I thought about asking for one, but I’m not so sure he’d even have one. The only bedding I’ve seen is the surprisingly silky sheet that covers his bed. It matches the temperature in the room, too, which makes sense when the touch of his hand against my cheek feels like fire against my skin. He probably needs it to be comfortable.

And, holy shit, I needhim.

He knows I’m cold. He knows I’ve been shivering, suffering silently because what else could I do?

I can use his body heat to warm me right up.

Forget my pride. Forget worrying about him taking advantage of me while I’m sleeping. That was a reach anyway since my gut tells me that my monster isn’t as beastly as I’ve made him out to be since he brought me here. Even without being able to talk to him, he’s responded to every single ‘no’ I gave him.

If I refuse his heat, he’ll let me. But that’s what you call cutting off your nose to spite your face. I’m freezing, he’s warm, and I’m going to take him up on his offer.

Reaching up, I grab his hand. Careful not to prick myself on the points of his claws, I wrap my fingers around his massive thumb and give him a gentle tug. It takes him a second to understand what I want. From the way his lips turn down, he obviously thinks I’m trying to stop him from touching me. Slowly, regretfully, he pulls his hand away from my face.