Page 53 of Bonded to the Beast

My mate refuses my touch.

The old familiar ache starts low in my belly. “Kennedy?”

“I— don’t touch me, Loki. Not right know. I… I have to think, okay.”

“Don’t touch you?” I echo. A muscle feathers in my jaw as I bite down, my fangs digging to my skin. A bloom of my blood joins Kennedy’s. “You are my mate—”

Human eyes don’t glow. When I first noticed that about my Kennedy, I was surprised, though I understood shortly after. It’s a sign that a creature is immortal. Demons and demonic beasts have a never-ending life force until it’s cut short, one way or another. By being hunted, or Duke Haures orders an execution, we only die when a powerful outside force lands a killing blow.

Not humans. They can die from so many things. It was a relief when I bonded her fully to me. She’s my immortal mate now, though her eyes are still as dim and pretty as they are when we first met.

They don’t glow, but like I discovered shortly after I brought Kennedy to Sombra—or, as she teasingly tells me, stole her away—they can flash angrily.

They are now.

“Yeah. I am. I remember that part. But you know what I don’t remember, Loki? You telling me that I’mpregnant.”

Why would I have? It’s like telling her that the sky is red or the shadows are dark or I love her with everything I am. Some things just are, and Kennedy creating our offspring inside of her is one of them.


She holds up her hand. Careful to keep the mark on her skin covered, she uses the other one to ward me off.

I freeze.

“Don’t follow me, Loki,” she snaps. “Not yet. I need to think. I need… just don’t follow me.”

And before I can do anything to calm her, she turns her back on me before storming away from me.




Despite what I said, I totally expect Loki to follow after me.

He’s my shadow, right? That’s what he does.

So when I hear steps right on my heels, I think it’s him for about maybe three seconds before I realize that they’re too light, and my innate awareness of where my mate is at all times tells me that he hasn’t moved an inch since I stormed away from him.

Smart demon. I expected him to follow me, but as twisted up as I am right now, I don’t know how I would react if he didn’t give me my space right now. It’s like the shock of finding Tyler in bed with Hallie all over again only I don’t have a pair of heels to throw at him.

Not that I would. I’m shocked, but not furious. At least, not the same way I was when I realized that two people I loved had betrayed me. Loki might have kept this little tidbit from me, but it’s not like it’s bad news.

It’s not—and my happiness mingled with confusion with just a touch of hurt that I’m the last to know has me putting space between us until I can’t figure out how exactly I want to react to this new bombshell.

Pregnant. The p-word. Something I thought I gave up any chance of being when I promised myself to Loki. All I ever wanted was someone to love me, a family we could build together, and if that was just my mate and me, I was okay with that.

Kennedy adapts. Kennedy does what she has to to survive.

No kids? Fine. I got forever with Loki instead. A fair trade off—or so I thought.


Maybe it’s my fault, too. Sure, he didn’t tell me.
