Page 34 of Bonded to the Beast

The last time I tracked an arkoda, I was careful in my hunt. In my approach. Not now. Now with Ken-dee so closer. Giving myself over to the most primal side of any Sombra demon, I make myself as big as possible, going as solid as I can while wearing my shadows, and lunged at the arkoda.

The arkoda was playing with Ken-dee. With me? He goes straight for the kill. That works to my advantage. He’s reckless, furious, eager to rend me from chest to gut.

I let him try, using all of my strength to tear one of his front legs until it’s hanging off its body. Unlike Sombra demons, the predators and the prey who lurk in the shadows have only one form. They might look like they’re transparent, but it’s like Ken-dee’s ungez. They’re solid, and I risk his claws in order to get close enough to attack.

Mine are just as sharp. Once his front leg is useless, he’s down to one set of claws. I have two, and two-horns. The fight is over within a few terrible seconds.

I have the beast on his back, belly up.

And I think: I used my claws to rip the arkoda’s female to pieces. Raising my hand high, I will do the same to him—

—until Ken-dee gasps.

My hand stills. Turning behind me, I see my human mate is crouched in the dirt, wee hands clamped over her mouth.

A fresh wave of the fear scent clings to her.

Is she afraid ofme?

I want her to see her male as powerful. I am a two-horn, strong and brave. But she’s as frightened of me as she was the arkoda.

To my Ken-dee, I am now the beast.

No.No. I tamp down the shadows. I won’t allow them to take me. I’ve done so much to claw back my soul, searching for a drop of essence to give my mate. I won’t sacrifice it, hunt or no hunt.

Baring my fangs at the dazed arkoda, I show him mercy while making sure the beast knows better than to ever come sniffing around my mate again.

“Go,” I snarl, slashing my arm in the space in front of me. “And know that the only reason I spare you is because a life without your mate is worse than a quick death.”

Is the arkoda intelligent enough to understand Sombra? I’m not sure, but he hauls his bulk off of the ash, lumbering away quickly before I can change my mind about letting it go.

However, when I wait until it’s melted into the shadows before turning on my heel to face my mate, I know that I made the right choice. The fear scent has faded, her face torn between pride and… and—

She stumbles to her feet, tripping over them, trembling in fear and concern. “Loki? Loki! U ok?”

I subdued the arkoda in my shadow form. While it attempted to rend me with its claws, I wanted the victory more. As a demon, I might have been hurt. In shadow, I’m fine.

“Worry not, my mate. Come. Let’s go home.”

She knows that word. I taught her it so that she knew my shack was her home.

Instead of agreeing, she digs her heels into the ash. “No. Ineedurhelp,” she says in English before saying in Sombran, “Help!”

Help? “Ken-dee?”

She points into the darkness. “Itz Freya. Loki help Freya.”

I know that word, too.Freya. The ungez. Her companion.

Suddenly, I understand. Somehow the vermin has found its way outside. It thought it was attached to Ken-dee, but ungez are wild. If the shadows beckoned it, the creature might have answered.

And my sweet mate would have worried and gone searching for it until the arkoda got in her way.

Arkoda gobble ungez by the dozen. If Ken-dee’s companion caught the scent of the arkoda stalking nearby, it would have found somewhere to hide.

I refuse to leave Ken-dee to the mercy of other predators. Tucking her into my side, ignoring her protests, I guide her back home before gently nudging her inside.

She hesitates inside the first room. “Watbout Freya?”