Page 26 of Bonded to the Beast

It’s rimmed with the same dark metal as the tube so I know the hole’s there on purpose. Peeking into it, it’s so black, it looks bottomless.

After dipping his glass under the stream of water, he takes a sip, then offers it to me. I don’t even hesitate. I’ve never been so thirsty before.

I prepare myself for it to be lukewarm and muddy. It’s not. To be fair, the water is cool and crisp and really, really good. It tastesclean. Refreshing. As he watches me gulp it down, all I can think about is having more.

Once it’s empty, I hand it back to him. He doesn’t even ask. Waving his hand over the tube again, he refills the cup. The stream ends as soon as he moves the cup away, handing it back to me.

I sip it more leisurely this time. It tastes just as good as it did when I downed it, but I stop once I’ve quenched my thirst.

I have to. I haven’t peed yet since I woke up and I’d rather not have to figure out a way to tell Loki that I have to.

Turns, out I don’t.

Making sure he has my attention, Loki pours the last of the water into the hole. Seems like a bit of a waste to me until he uses one claw to point at the cup, then waves his hand at his cock.

My cheeks heat up as he draws my attention back to it. I know that wasn’t what he meant—when he scoots closer to the hole, bracing his legs like human guys do at the urinal, I figure I’m looking at his version of a toilet—but I can’t help it.

I should be grateful there’s some fresh water and somewhere to pee. It might have been a worry at the back of my mind when I realized I wasn’t in the human world anymore, but it was there. But one small relief taken care of just means I have room to remember last night again.

Loki’s head tilts, his gaze sweeping over me. This close, I see it when his nostrils flare. As animalistic as he acts, when he starts rumbling in his chest again, I realize that his nose is a lot stronger than I want it to be.

Because I’m suddenly aroused and I think he knows it.

No panties, I remember. I have on a dress and no underwear, and even though I should want to bash him over his head with that human skull he has, I feel drawn to him in a way that shouldn’t make sense.

True love,whispers a little voice in my head. Annoyingly, it’s in a sing-song tone.He’s your true love.


My true love is a beast who lives in a world that makes no sense. Full of shadows and skulls and contradictions.

Take his room. It’s empty. It stinks. Loki actually thought bringing me a live animal to eat was normal, and came back with raw meat before realizing I would want it cooked. I might be biased because of the language barrier and how he stole me, but he gives me straight-up caveman vibes.

But he can conjure fire in his palm. He has these strange magic lights in his rundown shelter, and a water fountain that seems motion-activated but is probably some more magic.

Not to mention it has a toilet you don’t have to flush.

It’s not Earth. I know that much. It’s a place where magic is real and monsters take humans home with them. I’d almost be afraid that Loki thinks of me as his pet like I plan on keeping Frey if it wasn’t for how much he’s made it clear he wants to fuck me.

Which is why, no matter what, I can’t do that again.

* * *

My resolve is tested much soonerthan I’d hoped it would be.

I don’t know how long I’ve been here or if a day in Loki’s dark world has twenty-four hours like I’m used to. It was black as night when we arrived. Watching the window, it doesn’t change. It’s still dark out, which might be throwing my circadian rhythm off.

Or maybe I stubbornly stay awake as long as I can because I’m avoiding having to fall asleep again.

There are so many reasons why I don’t want to. Least of all because of what happened last night in mine. After that charged moment when Loki masturbated in front of me, he’s been careful not to mention anything about sex oruxor.

Message received, I guess, but for how long?

He’s still naked. At first, I thought he was making a point. Like he was using the visual cue of his constant erection to remind me what we did and what he obviously wants to do again. Without him being able to guilt me that he has the monster equivalent of blue balls, I figured showing off his hard-on did the same thing.

By the time I’m struggling to keep my eyes open, I’ve changed my mind. I’ve been watching him closely. There’s nothing really else for me to do, and since he can’t take his eyes off of me while we’re in the same room, I decide it’s fair that I get to do the same.

Earlier, he stayed in his shadow form. Intangible along the edges, melting into mist when it suited him, he stayed like that whenever he left his shelter. Once he was settled in, he resumed his more demonic form: red skin, intimidating horns, white eyes, and muscles bigger than my head.