Page 17 of Bonded to the Beast

“Lemmeego.” She slaps at my shadows. “Lemmeego!”

“I won’t drop you. You have my word. Now hold still, my mate. We’ll be in Sombra in a moment.”

Creating a portal back to Sombra is instinctive. With my mate tucked securely over my shoulder, I simply want to return to the shadows and a pathway opens in front of me.

I leap right through it, landing in a crouch on the other side of the portal.

Thank the gods that the portal brought us right into my shack. I had worried that we would arrive in the shadows or, even worse, the village I abandoned ages ago. With my mate traveling with me, I don’t know what would have been worse: being confronted by other demons who might try to steal her from me, or the beasts in the dark who might try to hurt her.

Rising up, I shift her slight weight, setting her on the floor.

“Here we are, my mate. It is our home.”

She’s clutching the book to her chest. It made it through the portal with her, and she’s squeezing it so tightly, I can sense the edge cutting into her arm through our mate bond. Without her essence, I don’t know what she’s thinking. Is she pleased with my home? Is she ready to mate again? What about food. Should I feed her?

I should feed her.

“Are you hungry, my mate? What do humans eat? I shall feed you.”

She’s not listening to me. Spinning on her heel, eyes wide, she’s looking around my quarters, taking it all in.

I wait with bated breath.

And that’s when my mate begins to scream.




It all happens so fast.

That’s a cliche, right? When you’re caught up in a moment and something happens that you can’t stop, it seems like it all goes down in the blink of an eye, but it doesn’treally.

What just happened? No. That did.

Mainly because I had no idea how fast the monster could move.

A few moments ago, he was standing on the edge of my closet. When he flashed his high beams at me, I was instantly thrown back to last night. Add in the way his lips curved around his fangs, claw crooked at me as he murmured in his deep voice and I knew he was thinking about what happened, too.

The massive hard-on he was sporting was another big clue.

Because he was hiding in the shadows when I woke up—and he was obviouslyreal—I quickly changed my mind. I didn’t fuck an incubus in my dreams, but lucky me, I think I got lucky with the bogeyman. I think he’s the monster who hides in closets, but he wasn’t waiting to scare me. Or to eat me.

Oh, no, I think. He was waiting to eat me out.

After I disentangled myself from him, snagging the dress that fell on the floor before I stumbled on shaking legs out into the morning sunlight, I thought I got away from him. Not like I was scared or anything. Despite him being some kind of monster, fear was the last thing I felt, though I was quickly getting over my horniness when I thought ofhishorns.

He hasfourof them. What kind of monster has that?

I don’t know. And when he kept looking at me like he was already imagining shoving that massive dick inside of me again, I did what I always do: I turn to a book.

I figured it was safe. He wouldn’t risk the sunlight, and I could take a few seconds to grab theGrimoire du Sombraand see if I missed the big honking passage that said my ‘true love’ was going to be a big shadow monster who made me come harder than I ever had before.

Because the spell worked. Obviously. It might not have worked straight away, but I can’t come up with any other explanation how the big demon-looking guy found his way into my roomandI thought it was a good idea to let him seduce me.

I can blame it being a dream all I want. I know better. I might get a pass for last night. This morning? I’m wide awake, and I’m freaking out a bit.