Page 3 of Romeo Pagani

My body was shunted forward as the truck came to a stop, brakes squeaking so loud that it made my teeth grind together.

The abruptness of it threw the image of my parents out of my head and caused my body to jerk in response.

The back of the truck became so silent you could have heard a pin drop.

We were all listening, waiting to see what the next move was.

Maybe this was my chance—all of our chances—to escape from…whoever and whatever these people were.

Footsteps sounded outside, voices rang out, along with the scrape of metal as doors were opened.

I hadn’t been able to see anything past the sack over my head, but now that sunlight spilled into the back of the truck, I could make out three figures.

They stood there, talking in a language that I didn’t understand—thank you, homeschooling, for not teaching me a different language.

I blinked, slowly sitting up, feeling tired but renewed with energy at the same time. They’d drugged me when they’d snatched me up this morning, with what I had no idea, but the longer time was passing, the more it started to wear off.

“Get the fuck up!” one of them screamed as he jumped up into the back of the truck and grabbed something off the floor.

Grunts and groans made their way to my ears as another guy came into the back of the truck. They were pulling people out, and I knew it was only a matter of time until they got to me at the back.

This was it. This was my opportunity at escaping. I’d watched enough movies to know that I had to take my chance when I could.

So when he got to me and hauled me up, I readied myself to run. My legs were wobbly but I could deal with that, they’d work for me when I needed them to—I just knew they would.

“This one smells pretty,” the man grunted as he yanked me closer to him. The scent of stale sweat accosted my nostrils and it took every ounce of my willpower not to make a remark back.

I wasn’t known for my tactfulness, and Uncle Caden had said time and time again that my mouth was going to get me into trouble one day, I just had to make sure today wasn’tthatday.

His grubby hand grabbed my ass, squeezing, and I sent a prayer of thanks that it was still numb from the amount of time I’d been sitting.

“Maybe I should test this one out first.”

I could sense his breath through the sack, and that was the final straw.

“Get your dirty hands off of me,” I gritted out, swatting at him with my zip-tied wrists. The plastic was cutting into my flesh, but that was the least of my worries right then.

“What the fuck did you just say?”

He pulled back from me, removing his hands off my body. My lips lifted into a slow smile. My words had done exactly what I needed them to, and now all that was left was for me to get the hell away from—

“Did you hear me, whore?” His hand yanked the sack off my head with so much force that it left the rope still tied around my neck. The bright light blinded me instantly and I slammed my eyes closed, squealing at the burn in my irises. “I said: what the fuck did you just say?” His fingers grasped my face, his thumb and fingertips biting into my cheeks and causing my teeth to ache.

I tried to open my mouth, but the hold he had on me didn’t allow me to repeat myself. But if I could have, I would have told him the exact same thing.

Slowly, I inched my eyelids open, keeping my focus right in front of me. I’d commit his face to memory and tell Uncle Caden exactly what he looked like.

I was gathering every ounce of evidence so that he could—

“Cat got your tongue?” the man asked, and I narrowed my eyes at him. “Or maybe I should cut it out?” Something glinted in front of him and, a second later, cool sharpness drifted down my face and over my cheek. “That way you’ll say fuck all when I rip your dirty cunt to shreds with my big dick, hmmm?”

I blinked, all the bravado I’d been building in my head disappearing as he pushed even closer, his dark, almost black eyes bearing down onto me. The threat of his words sank deep into my bones, scaring the living daylights out of me, but the thing was, it wasn’t a threat, it was a promise. We both knew that.

My hands started to shake and I was sure if I could see my face, I would have been as pale as a ghost. I’d barely had any sexual experiences, unless you counted a couple of kisses. I was…inexperienced to say the least, and the thought of this man taking my firsts had vomit spilling up and threatening to make an appearance.

He grinned, his crooked front teeth on full display as he ripped the knife away and let go of my face. I stumbled but the side of the truck caught me, allowing me to stay upright.

I wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but I was quickly learning to never let your guard down. And it proved my point a couple of seconds later when the man’s fist darted for my face.