Page 25 of Romeo Pagani

I yawned, slowly sitting up, ready to start the day—or I should say night considering it was already seven p.m. My sleep was all over the place, my body clock completely out of whack. If it wasn’t for the small clock on the upside-down cardboard box serving as a table, I’d have had no idea what time it wasorwhat day it was.

Seven was good at keeping track of stuff like that, she said it made her feel less isolated. Whereas me…I hated knowing it because with each day that passed, it was another one that I was trapped here with no escape.

Your uncle sent me.

My body tensed ashiswords rolled around in my head. He’d been sent to save me, but all he’d done was hurt me. The mysterious man who had stolen something from me, who had looked at me with a softness while destroying me at the same time.

What kind of person did that? At least here I knew the men were evil, whereas with that guy, I didn’t know if he was the worst kind because he knew what he was doing and still did it, or whether it made him all the more dangerous. Either way, I didn’t want him to save me. I’d find my own way out…eventually.

“Get up,” a gruff voice barked.

I snapped my head toward the open doorframe sans the door. We weren’t allowed privacy here and being able to lock ourselves away meant we could talk without them listening or plot against them. And there was no way they were going to allow that to happen.

“I need to have a shower first,” I told the man. He raised one brow, giving me a look that told me I’d fucked up. It was the same man who had pulled me out of the cage, the same man who had watched as I’d been hurt by his boss. I didn’t realize what he was silently trying to tell me with that look until he moved to the side, showcasing Mr. Pozzi who was standing behind him. “I…”

He winked at me, those evil eyes soaking in my body. Too bad for him that it was covered with the threadbare blanket that Seven and I had to share. The only material we had to cover ourselves was this and a single towel that we shared too. Mr. Pozzi liked his victims to be naked and vulnerable at all times.

“By all means, you can shower,” he said, his voice trying to be as smooth as butter. All it did was remind me of the day he chose me from the cages. And if what Seven said was correct, it wasn’t the first time he’d chosen me. He’d picked me out to be kidnapped too. It felt personal, like there was an agenda, and for a split second, I wondered if they knew who my uncle was.

I shook that thought away as soon as it came. There was no way they’d risk that, not if they truly knew Uncle Caden.

Mr. Pozzi slinked forward, just like he had when he’d come closer to my cage five days ago. How was that not even a week ago? It felt like a lifetime had passed…mentally, not physically though. Physically I still burned where he’d penetrated me. I still had faint bruises from where he held me. The marks on my body told an unquestionable story—one that no one was interested in reading.

“I…I just—” I didn’t know what I was trying to say, so I cut myself off, deciding it was better to be quiet and find out what he wanted. He’d come here to see me, and there had to be a reason for it. So I waited, pressing my lips together to stop any words coming out.

He came closer at my silence, scrunching his nose up at our makeshift table. “How are you settling in?” he asked, and if I hadn’t been watching the way his eyes darkened and his back straightened, I would have thought he was being genuine. I knew better though. I’d seen the true evil shining in his eyes, and there was no escaping that.

It was on the tip of my tongue to lie, but there was something about this evil douche that had me spitting, “It’s fantastic. So welcoming. And the facilities.” I waved my arm in the air, being as sarcastic as I could. “They’re second to none. Ten out of ten. Definitely recommen—”

I was cut off by the back of his hand swiping across my face so hard that it made my eyes cross. The burning sensation from his hit was nothing compared to my body flying sideways and my head banging into the wall. For a second the edges of my vision went black, threatening to take me away, and I wished it did, but I wasn’t that lucky, not today.

“Mouth off at me again and I’ll cut your dirty tongue out with a rusty fuckin’ knife, you skanky bitch.” His voice was so deep I felt it vibrate through my body. The words lashed out of him so easily that it was obvious this was how he talked to women all of the time. Privileged men did that. Men who had never had to fight for something in their lives. Men who had no conscience.

He took a threatening step toward me and I held my breath, trying to take stock of where all of my pain was coming from—my face and head—but before I could really analyze it, he was on me, grabbing my arms.

“You’re my property,” he gritted out, holding on to my biceps so tight that I was afraid he’d pop my muscles out of me like a balloon hitting a sharp edge and bursting in the air. “You do as I fuckin’ say.” He shook me, rattling my brain in my head, but it was enough to get me to look at him, to listen to what he’d obviously come in here to say to me. “And that’s why you are going to become my perfect little spy.”

My breaths came faster, hating how much he was touching me. There was something about this man that set every alarm bell ringing and caused my fight instinct to kick in.

Where the hell had that been only two days ago whenhehad eradicated my virginity? I’d been frozen then, but right now, I wasn’t.

I thrust forward, not caring that my head was pounding a wicked rhythm inside my head, and slammed my head against his nose. The satisfying crunch had my lips spreading into the biggest grin.

He screamed, letting go of me instantly and standing. “You fuckin’ bitch!” He called me every name under the sun as I crawled into a corner, trying to protect myself from the evil taking over every molecule in this room. I’d had the energy to do that, but now it had waned, leaving me with nothing.

He pulled his hand away from his face and glanced down at his palm that was covered in bright red blood. I slowly looked up at his face, watching as the blood poured from his nose, but he did nothing to stop it. In fact, it was as if he was enjoying the pain.

“You’re gonna pay for that,” he taunted, closing in on me again.

I squealed, holding myself and trying to become as small as possible. Every ounce of me wanted to look away, but I knew better than that. I had to be prepared for what was coming.

He darted forward and I screamed, my instinct kicking in, but it didn’t faze him. He grabbed at me, lifting me off the floor and holding my feet off the ground and in the air. “You need to be taught a lesson.” He tutted, then threw me down with so much force I thought I would gothroughthe wall.

My shoulder smashed against it and agony exploded through the joint. A crack echoed around us, and I was sure he’d heard it too. There was no doubt something happened to my bone, not just because of the sound, but also because of the blinding pain that threatened to take me out.

“The more you fight, the worse this will be for you,” he growled, getting down on his haunches as I slid down the wall and curled myself into a ball against the cool surface again. I didn’t take my attention off of him as he moved closer. “Now listen closely…” He gripped the arm that had hit the wall and held it, staring at the joint and looking so damn pleased with himself. “His name is Romeo Pagani.” He paused, waiting to see if I acknowledged him, and when I blinked, he continued, “I want to know what he’s up to. Get close to him. Get him to confide in you.”

“I…” My voice cracked. I lifted my shaky hand to my throat, trying to ease it. “I don’t even know who that is.”