Page 9 of Romeo Pagani

I was always on edge, scared of what would happen. And I should have been observant right then, but my mind was away with itself, not believing I’d been here for three months, so when the man who liked to stride between the cages and take a random person out of there every day came around, I didn’t even notice.

I should have though. I should have felt him coming. I should have been paying more attention. But I wasn’t, so when they stopped in front of my cage, I didn’t look up, not until he cleared his throat.

He was always flanked by two other men—his guards. I stared up at him, taking him all in. He had short black hair, slicked back with that wet type of look. His shirt was unbuttoned way too low, and the white pants he was wearing was sure to get dirty. But he clearly didn’t give a fuck.

“That one,” the man’s rough voice said, pointing at my cage. “Get her cleaned up and ready in my room.”

What…what was he saying?

He was choosing me?

One of the men unlocked my cage and reached inside for me. I was in too much shock to give any fight, so when his hand wrapped all the way around my arm and pulled me out, I went with him, just like a rag doll.

My body was exhausted, trying to get used to the movement, and then I was on my feet, staring at the back of the man’s head as he walked away between two rows of cages.

Another man grabbed my other arm, leaving two of them dragging me away from my cage, my body stretching out for the first time in months. The burn of my muscles was almost too much to bear, but I didn’t complain. The last thing I wanted was to be back in that cage right then. Three months. I’d been stuck inside there for three months.

My eyes took in every occupied cage as they dragged me away from my safe haven. They were filled with women, young men, boys and girls. There were some who looked okay, but the women mainly looked like they hadn’t been fed in a year. I knew that feeling all too well, and part of me wondered if there was a strategy to how he treated some people and not others.

At the end of the cages, we hooked a right, but my feet still weren’t working. I was almost grateful that I was being dragged because for the life of me I couldn’t get my muscles to do what I wanted them to.

We went through one doorway, then down a carpeted hallway, but somewhere along the way, I’d lost sight of the man with the slicked back hair. But then we were going through another open door, and there he was, standing in the middle of what looked like a bedroom.

I tried to take everything in: the four-poster bed, the chair in the corner, the huge mirror on the wall that looked like one of those two-way mirrors in a police station. But it was all happening so fast, and now my brain was finally starting to catch up to the fact that this wasn’t a good thing me being pulled from the cage.

The men stopped a few feet in front of him, and for a full minute, there was nothing but silence as he stared me up and down.

“We’ll clean her up as you requested, boss,” the man to my right said.

He grinned, the type of grin that made you back away. His eyes were almost black, evil incarnate staring right at me. Who was this guy? Why did—they’d called him boss. Holy shit. Was this the man behindallof this? My heart hammered in my chest, my fight-or-flight instinct begging to kick in, but I was frozen with fear.

“Nah. I think I want this one dirty.” He winked at me, the move making my stomach hurl. “Tie her up,” he demanded.

My eyes widened at his words andsomethingkicked in because I realized that for the first time in months, I could finally do something about this.

Fight or flight?

Fight. Always.

So I fought against the two men who had dragged me in here. There was no way I was going down without a fight. No way in hell.

I punched and kicked, landing some blows. But the majority were met with air. It didn’t matter though because I needed to show them that I wasn’t doing anything lying down. I was going to fight for myself, even if no one else was.

“Get off of me!” I shouted. I was taught how to defend myself by Uncle Caden, so I did exactly what he’d told me to. I managed to get one of them off me, but I was outnumbered, three to one, so when something hit the side of my head and I went limp, I knew they’d won.

Dammit. I had all the fight in me, and now it was gone in the blink of an eye. One of the men threw my limp body down and tied something around each of my wrists. By the time I could finally get my body to work again, it was too late and I was facedown on a bed with my arms outstretched, rope around my wrists which were attached to two poles.

The same treatment was done to my ankles, trapping me on this bed with nowhere to go.

I was helpless. And I damn well hated it.

Rustling rang out from behind me. I could hear footsteps coming closer.

Please don’t touch me. Please don’t touch me. Please don’t touch me.

A hand ran down my back and I hiccupped a sob, my emotions taking over every part of me. I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t stop it, no matter how much I wanted to.

The palm was followed by something sharp and then I heard the tear of fabric. Tears sprung to my eyes and escaped, unstoppable in their path as he systematically took all of my clothes off me, leaving me as naked as the day I was born.