Page 67 of Romeo Pagani

I shook my head, panic taking over my entire body as he lifted the knife and placed it against the flesh on my chest. “No!”

“Yes,” he countered, grinning down at me like a madman. He scraped the knife along my skin, the sting hurting so bad I screamed, but it wasn’t enough for him to stop. In fact, he pushed down harder, going deeper, the blood pouring out of me like a carton of milk that had just been dropped on a grocery store floor.

“I’ll make sure you never forget me, you dirty bitch.”

He lifted the knife after one long line, pressing it into my skin farther up, then flicked his wrist, making another cut—making a giant X. Just like the metal X he’d tied me to in his club.

“That’s better,” he murmured, holding on to the knife as he reached down between us. He fumbled, his brows furrowing as he concentrated on what he was doing—what he was trying to get access to.

But there was no way in hell…no way I was going to let him be inside me again. I pulled in a deep breath, putting all of my strength into it as I screamed at the top of my lungs, “Get off me!”

* * *


My car idled at the red light, my mind wandering off while I waited for it to turn green. I’d left Bailey in my bed again, and fuck if I didn’t want to turn right around and go back to her. Everything in me wanted just that, to slide back between the sheets and hold her naked body to mine. To worship her skin. To tell her how much I liked her.

But I couldn’t. Not today. Not after Lorenzo had called a meeting. We all had to attend, which meant when Raf left my house, Bailey would be alone. Luckily, I had an errand to run before going to the mansion, an errand that I hadn’t done since before I went undercover—to see my mom. So at least she wouldn’t be alone all day, only once Raf had left, and that wasn’t for another couple of hours.

Fuck, it was times like this that I wished I lived closer to them all, at least then I wouldn’t have to spend hours driving there and back.

My stomach rolled with nerves as I thought about seeing my mom again. I wasn’t sure what state she would be in, but I knew I’d gone too long between visits. Sighing, I stared at the light as it turned green, and just when I was about to pull away, a loud, ear-splitting siren blasted out, coming directly from my cell.

For a second, I froze, trying to process what it meant, but as soon as that second ticked by, my body jumped into gear, my brain reacting on automatic while the rest of me tried to catch up.

I pulled a U-turn and drove twice the speed limit on most of the roads; all of the houses and buildings a blur as I tried to get back to my house as fast as possible.

Seven minutes. That was how long it had taken. Seven whole fuckin’ minutes.

My tires squealed to a stop at the bottom of my driveway as I left my engine running and leaped out of my car. The front door was open a couple of inches, but it was Raf’s slumped body with blood trailing from his hairline that grabbed my attention first.

“Get off me!”


My heart hammered in my chest so hard that I was sure it was going to explode. I couldn’t let it though. I had to get to her. I had to—

“No chance in hell, you little fuckin’ whore.”

My teeth ground together as I stepped over my little brother, knowing I would come back to him, but first I had to get to Bailey. The only person in my life that truly mattered. And she was being hurt, again. Because of me.

“Get your motherfuckin’ hands off her,” I growled slamming my palm against the door, not caring that the handle smashed right into the camera screen that I had installed for this exact reason.

Gio laughed, a throw-your-head-back kind of laugh, and that was when I saw it. That was when I fuckin’ saw what he was doing—what he was touching. He held a knife in one hand, blood on the blade—Bailey’s blood. My gaze scanned her, looking for the injury, and that was when I saw the giant X marked on her chest. An X just like the one she’d told me he’d tied her to.

He was playing games, games that he would fuckin’ lose.

But it wasn’t that that had my face burning up and my muscles locking. No, it was what was close to her, what was threatening her…

“You’ve gone three goddamn seconds, you motherfuckin’ prick, to get your cock away from my woman.”

He thrust his hips closer, his cock between her legs, so damn close to the hole that onlyIhad been in. “Your woman?” he asked, his tone full of glee.

“Yeah.” I stepped toward them, my fingers tingling. “She’smine.”

Gio shook his head, his hand around Bailey’s throat, holding her down. But with the way her eyes were glazed over and her body now frozen in shock, I could see that she was too far gone—too in her own head—to do anything.

“That’s where you’re wrong. She was mine the moment I pulled her from that cage and fucked her in her sweet little ass.” He winked. “Now it’s time to test out her cunt.” He slurped and my stomach rolled. “Bet it’s just as sweet as the rest of her.”