Page 66 of Romeo Pagani

“You mean nothing to him, you know.” He paused, his face closer, his warm breath hitting me on the cheek. “You’re just a hole that he can fuck.” He winked. “A hole that I haven’t tried yet.”

“No,” I gasped out, trying to swing my legs, but his hold was too much, his force too great, and within seconds he had his hand between my legs, cupping me, grabbing me,hurtingme.

“But then again, maybe that’s not true becauseyou’rethe reason why I’m on the fuckin’ run, you stupid bitch,” he growled, his voice so loud directly next to my ear. “If I’m going down, then I’m taking you fuckin’ with me.” He yanked me off the wall, wrapping his arm around the back of my neck, then pulling me against him. I’d seen wrestlers on the TV do this move—a headlock—but I’d never had it done to me, and damn, it hurt. My back pulled, my ribs ached, my neck sore.

“Please, Mr. Pozzi, please,” I begged, hoping that hearing my voice would cause him to stop, even just for a second. I only needed enough time to figure out what to do. To figure out how he got in here and got past— “Where’s Rafael?” I asked suddenly, my voice broken from how hard he’d strangled me.

He laughed again and goose bumps spread over my entire body. “Knocked out cold.” He let go of me, pushing me as he did, and I couldn’t get my bearings quick enough, not until it was too late, not until I was on the bed I’d gotten out of not even ten minutes ago as Romeo had left.

Had Mr. Pozzi been waiting for him to leave? Had he been watching us?

“He took something away from me,” Mr. Pozzi said, staring down at me. “Now I’m going to take something away from him.” His hand reached for his pants again, his zipper the only other sound in the room.

As the noise rang in my ears, something clicked, a switch flipping inside my brain and body.

I wouldn’t let him do this to me. I wouldn’t let him steal part of me again.

“No,” I tried to growl, but it came out croaky. I followed it with a swift lift of my leg, my shin connecting with his crotch with so much force that he went down instantly. I didn’t wait to see what he’d do or what he’d say. I needed to get out of here, I needed to get away from him.

So I vaulted off the bed, holding my ribs with my hand as my feet slid across the floor in Romeo’s bedroom. Mr. Pozzi’s pained-filled groans met my ears, but I didn’t have time to think about the fact that he’d probably gotten up by now.

I was on a mission, needing to get to the secret compartment in the living room.

“You’re gonna regret that,” Mr. Pozzi grunted.

I snapped my head around, seeing him leaving the bedroom as I got to the top of the stairs. He’d catch me in seconds, but that was okay because all I needed was to get to the bottom of the stairs.

My ankle rolled as I got halfway down, the panic taking over every part of me. I was so close. So damn close. One more step, one more and—

A palm met the middle of my back, slapping so hard I heard it before I felt it. I went down, my head hitting off the corner of the handrail, my body slumping forward. Stars whizzed around in front of my eyes, threatening to take me under.

Head spinning, I tried to catch my breath, tried to remember where I was and who I was with, but it took me too long to realize, and by then, he was back on top of me.

But he’d made a mistake. He’d pushed me closer to the one thing I needed.

I turned my head as he climbed on top of me, spitting venom at me with his words. But all I concentrated on was reaching out for the hidden button—the button that would alert Romeo I was in trouble. I was centimeters from it, my fingers stretching as far as they could.

“I’m gonna rip you apart from the inside out,” Mr. Pozzi taunted. “Then I’m gonna leave you a bloody mess for him to find.” A click rang out and I turned my head to face him, still reaching for the button. Metal glinted in the morning light. A knife. “Do you remember what I said I’d do to you with this the last time I saw you?”

“I’ll take you out the back, fuck you with the knife I’ve got attached to my ankle, then slit your throat with the same blade.”

I didn’t need to answer him for him to know that I remembered what he said. How could I forget a threat like that?

“Time to do as I promised.” He grinned.

Terror set deep into my bones, but it spurred me on, reaching out even further until my fingertip finally pressed the button.

Romeo knew now. He was coming. But I knew it wouldn’t be quick enough. Mr. Pozzi was going to do some damage, but I’d fight. I’d fight like I’d never fought before.

“They’re gonna regret messing in my business,” he snapped, grabbing me around the neck to hold me still. He hadn’t realized what I’d done—who I’d alerted—but I was good with that because the fear of what he’d do if he’d known was too much to bear.

“Please,” I begged, grabbing at his hand, my attention focused on the glinting blade he held in the air.

He wasn’t listening to me though as he continued on, “They think they know everything, but they don’t.” He laughed, his eyes clearing up, the evil film disappearing just for a second but coming back tenfold as he stared down at me. “They have no idea the things I have in place.” He leaned down, his mouth inches from mine. “You’re not the only dirty little whore I’ve stolen and then sold. There’s so many…more than they’ll ever be able to find.”

“Mr. Pozzi,” I pleaded, the edges of my vision turning black again.

“Shut up!” he screamed, lifting my head off the ground with his hand around my neck, then slamming it down again. “Shut the fuck up! If it wasn’t for you…” He trailed off, his fingers finally letting go of my neck but then instantly finding my hands and trapping them over my head as he pushed up my body more. “If it wasn’t for your fuckin’ uncle.”