Page 37 of Romeo Pagani

His eyes widened, his muscles frozen as he stared at me, and then…

“She’s being sold at the auction!” he screamed, blood flowing from the side of his mouth like a river bursting its banks. I could barely understand his words, but I’d caught the gist of it.

“Auction?” I asked, quickly glancing in the doorway where Dad and Raf were standing. They were still half asleep having taken their shifts earlier in the day.

Their expressions were stoic, much like I was sure mine was. We’d gotten somewhere, finally.

I turned back to the man chained to the chair as he nodded. “Yeah.” He squealed in pain again, but what he didn’t realize was the more he moved his mouth, the more it would hurt. His face turned white, a sure sign that he was about to pass out.

He couldn’t, not yet.

“When?” I growled, lifting the knife in threat again. “When is it?”

“Sunday,” he grunted, trying to catch my gaze but he couldn’t quite focus on anything.Sunday? Fuck, that was today.“Ten p.m.”

I dropped the knife. It splattered on the ground, blood droplets flicking up my jean-covered legs.

I finally had something to go off. But if I didn’t get there in time…

Fuck.Fuck. I only had hours to figure out what the hell I was going to do.

I needed a plan. I needed to get the hell over there. I needed to cover my tracks because there had to be a reason why I didn’t know about the auction. Gio must have still been suspicious of me—which he should have been—but that didn’t help the fact that Ihadto be there yet wasn’t supposed to know about it.

Ideas swirled around my head, and as soon as a solid plan started to form, I blinked and stepped around the chair and toward Raf, holding my hand up and pointing at him. “Call Remy, tell him I need to see him.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “Alone. Tell him to come here.”

“I’ll do it,” Dad said, his face a neutral mask.


“If it comes from Raf, he’ll tell Dante and Lorenzo. If it comes from me, then he won’t tell them he’s coming here,” he said, placing his hand on my shoulder. “You’re going in, I can see that, let me help you.”

I didn’t have the time nor the headspace to do anything but agree with him.

I was gonna get her out of there, even if it meant putting everything at risk in the process—including myself.

The man groaned, mumbling something. I should have known his name by now but I honestly didn’t give a flying fuck who he was. All he was to me was a means to an end.

“What was that?” Raf asked, slipping by me.

“I said,” he murmured, looking up at the three of us. It was harder to understand him, but with a tilted head and an extra couple of seconds to process it, I was getting each of his words slowly. “She’ll be hurt. Gio had locked her up and punished her the night you took me.” His gaze landed on mine, clear of anything. There was no pain there, no film over his irises. It was like he’d had a moment of clarity, but that usually came just before death…

“Punished her?” I repeated, clenching my hands so hard next to me that I heard the knuckles pop.

“Over and over again,” he said, lifting one side of his mouth. His other side flapped open even more at the movement. All I saw was red. He was mocking the fact that she was hurt. Taunting me.

“You’re not in any fuckin’ position to taunt me, motherfucker.” I reached behind me, pulling the gun out of my waistband. “You just lost your only lifeline.” His eyes widened so much that I was sure his eyeballs would pop out of their sockets any second. I grinned, showing him what true evil was, then pressed the muzzle of my gun to his forehead, not hesitating to fire off a shot, the single bullet slicing through his head and brain, ending his miserable fuckin’ life.

My breaths came harder, but not because I’d taken his life. In fact, that had actually calmed me a little.

What had me on edge was the fact that I had to wait until ten p.m. to see Bailey again. I winced, hating that I had no idea what kind of state she was in. But that was okay because today was the last day she’d be in that place.

This time tomorrow she’d be free…

And safe.