Page 35 of Romeo Pagani


I should have listened to him.

I should have heeded his words, but I was sure that it couldn’t have gotten any worse.

I was wrong. So damn wrong.

Tears streamed down my cheeks like a burst pipe that couldn’t be gotten under control. There was nothing I could do to stop it, no matter how much I tried. Closing my eyes and willing them away only made everything worse. I wished I could have kept the tears inside because at least then these men wouldn’t have been able to see the hurt they caused. I was sure some of them were getting off on it.

My throat was so dry that it didn’t matter how much I swallowed, it didn’t make a difference. Nothing could have prepared me for this.Nothing.

“I like mine younger,” one man said, stepping closer to me. I willed my muscles to listen to me, to kick or scream, but my body had given in. It was trying to protect me from my brain that still wanted to fight, but my body knew better. My body knew there was no getting out of this one.

I bit down on the ball gag that had been placed in my mouth and strapped around my head way too tight, sure to leave marks on my skin. It was the only thing centering me as more and more men came to inspect me.

Jerking my arm, the sound of the metal cuff attached to my wrist clinked with the metal frame that I was suspended from. My body was strapped to the giant X, my arms and legs spread open for everyone to see everything.

The lights were on full blast, making the room look so different than usual. I knew this was a tactic from Mr. Pozzi though. He always created dark corners in the bar for people, but he wanted me to remember this, he wanted to burn it into my brain so that I did as I was told.

I was a fighter—I always had been. I paved my own way, knowing exactly who I was. But this…this was breaking me. Any other time I would have known I wasn’t giving up, but this…this was making me want to give in and be the dutiful slave that Mr. Pozzi wanted.

Being captured was one thing, but this…this was sexual torture. There was no other word for what they were doing to me.

Squeezing my eyes closed, I attempted yet again to push the sensation of their hands off of me, but nothing I did worked. Their voices penetrated each and every one of my thoughts. But it was when wetness slapped against my back and a huge groan sounded in my ear that the tears fell even harder.

They didn’t care who I was, didn’t care how I’d gotten here. Theonlything they cared about was getting their rocks off.

“Have at her,” I heard Mr. Pozzi say from across the room. I snapped my eyes open, my gaze finding him right away. He’d been standing there for hours, watching me, enjoying the way all the men leered and assaulted me. He was enjoying it just as much as they were. But I was sure it was because it was breaking me down, pulling me apart, not just physically, but mentally too.

Was this his plan? To eradicate any part of me that was left wanting to fight? Because if it was, it was working. I hated to admit that I was giving in, but how could you not when you had men old enough to be your grandfather feeling you up and touching you in the most intimate places.

He winked at me, a wicked grin pulling at his lips. “Taste every inch of her. Do whatever you want to her.” He stepped forward, crossing his arms over his chest, not looking away from me for a second. “She’s my gift to you.” He paused, stopping directly in front of me as he trailed his finger down my cheek. “Have fun, I know I will.” He went to turn away but stopped at the last second. “Oh, and try not to dirty my floor too much.”

I frowned, not understanding what he said. Then a man appeared in his place, wielding something sharp. He slashed at my stomach, the cut superficial, but it stung like a damn paper cut. I felt the wetness pouring down past my belly button, and as soon as it hit between my thighs, the man pulled his dick out, wrapping his hand around it.

He liked the sight of blood. My stomach rolled. I wouldn’t survive this. I was sure I wouldn’t.

I wasn’t strong enough. Uncle Caden had tried to prepare me for what my life was going to become, but how was he supposed to know this was in my future?

Scanning the room, I searched for Mr. Pozzi, or even for Romeo on the off chance that he was here. It had been days since I’d last seen him. There wasn’t a single face I recognized in here, that was until Seven’s body popped up between two men.

They weren’t taking any notice of her, and I realized that was how Seven got away with some things and didn’t get as muchstuffdone to her as a lot of people. She was great at blending into the background, something I wished I could have done right then. I begged her with my eyes to help me as the man slashed at my stomach again, more wetness dribbling down my skin. But deep down, I knew that there was nothing she could do. She couldn’t help me, not without putting herself at risk.

“You’ll be okay,” she mouthed, standing there as still as a statue. There was no reason for her to be in here, but as she widened her stance and kept her gaze on mine, I realized that she was supporting me in the only way she could: distracting me.

I heaved a breath, my eyes begging to close, but I wouldn’t let them. It was at that point that I rememberedwhoI was and what I had been through. Mr. Pozzi was trying to break me, but right now, I had to be the strongest I’d ever been. Because the thought of not being strong and the alternative if I wasn’t didn’t bear thinking about.

I would face off against each of these men and commit their faces to memory. This wouldn’t be the end of me. I refused to let this break me. I’d been through way too much to give up at this hurdle.

So I pushed my shoulders back, slipping a mask over my face, and promising myself that I would get out of here no matter what.

It wasn’t a dream, or a goal, but a promise. A promise to myself that I would never break.

Seven nodded, encouraging me, and I didn’t let my gaze slide off of her for even a split second. I stared at her for hours as the men took turns, touching me, tasting me, pushing their fingers inside of me. If it wasn’t for the fact that I was strapped to this thing standing up, then I had no doubt they would have tried to fuck me. The position I was in wouldn’t work for that, no matter how much a few of them tried and failed.

Through it all though, Seven was there, being the rock I never knew I needed in that moment. I saw the same anger and sadness reflected in her eyes. Her lack of reaction when she’d first seen me told me that this wasn’t the first time she’d seen this being done.

“You got this,” she mouthed, and it was with those words that I finally realized that Ididhave this.