Page 33 of Romeo Pagani

Raf’s eyes flashed. We may have been the sons of the most notorious Mafia torturer in the state, but that only extended to men. Our mom had taught us to always respect a woman, which made me even fuckin’ angrier that I’d done what I had to Bailey.

I owed her.

I had to give her her life back.

Raf nodded, his hand reaching for the door. “Let’s do this, then, big bro.”

He waited a beat until I jerked my head in agreement, then we both pushed out of the van. I knew exactly where to stand to be inconspicuous, not only that, but it would only be minutes until the security guy who had been on shift last night would leave. It was the same one who had shown me to room four. The same one who had observed when I took advantage of Bailey that first night.

He’d stood back and watched all of this happen, so he deserved what was coming, but more than that, he always seemed to be by Gio’s side. He’d have the inside scoop. And if he didn’t want to give it up, then we’d bleed it out of him—literally.

Raf and I put our backs against the cool brick wall, thankful that the dark mornings were still here to hide us in the shadows. The door to the club opened a few minutes later and he appeared, oblivious to everything around him. He had a black bag slung over his shoulder and wore a large coat to ward off the cooler weather. Neither of those things would get in our way though.

I silently pointed to the black car right next to us, telling Raf that was where this guy was heading. And as soon as he got five feet away, Raf jumped out, making to grab him. It was the tactic we’d always used when we teamed up. Raf would be the distraction and I would be the final nail in the coffin.

So as he fought with Raf, managing to land a hit on his cheek, I was stalking him from behind. The cool metal of my gun burned at my palm as I lifted it and pressed the muzzle against the back of his head.

“One move and I’ll blow your brains out,” I growled. I wouldn’t do it, not unless it was a last resort. I needed the information inside his head first. After that, I didn’t give a fuck what happened to him.

“Fuck,” he groaned, stilling, his hands up in the air. “I knew you were up to no good.”

I grinned, keeping the gun pressed against the back of his head as I moved to the side of him, grinning. “Surprise, motherfucker.”

His nostrils flared, his lips flattening into a straight line, but before he got the chance to say anything, I lifted the gun and smashed the butt of it to his temple, knocking him out instantly.

* * *


I inhaled a deep breath, staring at the rising sun high in the sky while I walked around the back of the van. Raf opened the side sliding door as I made my way around. He’d decided to sit in the back with our captive. Apparently I looked too angry and he didn’t trust me when I was like that.

I’d wanted to roll my eyes when he’d said it, but even I had to admit that it was partially true. I wanted to kill every last person who went into that club. I wanted to maim the people who stood aside and watched every single thing that happened in there. But most of all, I wanted to cause the men doing the hurt so much goddamn pain that they’ll beg for me to stop, only then would I go even harder and wish that I’d simply killed them.

Death was the easy way out.

My stomach rolled, my hands clenching at my sides. The rage was attempting to overtake me, but I couldn’t let it, not yet. I needed to get this motherfucker inside the house first, only then could I unleash it all.

“Grab his legs and I’ll get his shoulders,” Raf said, hunching over in the back of the van.

I did as he said, not having time to argue the fact that I was the older brother, so should have been giving the orders. We didn’t have time to have a spat. It was getting light outside and we only had minutes to get him inside our parents’ house undetected.

Clenching my teeth, I took ahold of his ankles and within sixty seconds we were shuffling through the side door that led straight into the kitchen. The coffee machine was running water through the filter which told me it was exactly six a.m. now. Dad always liked his coffee at the same time each morning.

“Fuck, I’m losing grip,” Raf grunted, trying to readjust him, but it was too late because his hand slipped and he went crashing down to the floor.

The guy groaned, starting to wake up and we both panicked, our eyes widening. We were so occupied with the fact that we hadn’t even gotten the door closed yet that neither of us heard footsteps until…

“What the fuck?”

I snapped my head around, my gaze hitting the man who had raised me, the man who had taught me everything I knew. The man who had the perfect place for us to get the information I needed out of this piece of shit who was currently waking up on the floor.

“Dad…” I stood, slowly moving toward the door and closing it, although I kept a side eye on the man on the floor, watching as he gained his bearings more and more. “I—”

“Help!” the man screamed, waving his arms around and trying to get off of the floor.

Dad huffed out a breath like he’d just found us smoking a joint on the roof—which he actually did once—and stepped forward, slamming his slipper-covered foot on the guy’s face, knocking him back out.

“Bring him through,” Dad said, not asking why we were here and why we’d brought a present. It had been a while since he’d had any fun, so I knew there was no way he would have said no to the opportunity to cause someone pain.