Page 29 of Romeo Pagani

“Mr. Pozzi,” she whispered, so low I could only just about hear it and I was less than ten centimeters away.

“I’ll kill him,” I told her, not a single bit of hesitation reflected in my tone.

It was a promise, but I hadn’t expected her to come back with, “Not if I do first.” She laughed, the sound a little off, which told me she was trying to make light of it, but the way her eyes glazed over and her body shivered, I knew she was telling the truth.

She winced at her movements, her shoulder clearly causing her pain, so I wrapped my fingers around the top of her bicep and then her wrist, staring at her as I said, “I’m gonna put it back into the socket, okay?” She nodded, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip. The quicker I did it, the better. “One. Two.” I didn’t get to three, instead, I twisted her arm and pushed up, clearly hearing the click as the ball joint clicked back into place.

She squealed, the sound thrashing through me in a way that made all of the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I hated that she was in agony. I hated that she was here.

I had to get her the fuck out of this place. The problem was, I needed intel to figure out how to get in here when Gio wasn’t around. If I had to kidnap her away from the people who had kidnapped her, then I would.

The more I stared at her, my hands still on her arms, the more I realized that I would have done anything to get her out of there.

“Help me,” she whispered. Tears sprung to her eyes and flowed down her cheeks. “Help me get out of here.”

“I will,” I promised. “I just need time.” I wouldn’t lie to her, and with the way she nodded, I could see she understood that. Blowing out a breath, I cracked my neck to the side. “Are you gonna be okay?” I asked. I needed to get the hell out of here.

Her eyes widened, her panic coming back to the forefront. “Don’t leave,” she blurted out and dived at me. I caught her with ease, but fuck, now my hands were on her ass and…dammit. “You can’t leave. Don’t you get it, Romeo?” My chest caved at my name coming out of her mouth. I hadn’t told her it, which only left Gio. “He’s sent me to be a spy. And he’s watching. We’re going to have to…” She trailed off, her gaze dipping between us, saying what she was unwilling to voice out loud.

“No.” I ground my teeth together and stood, taking her with me. Her legs wound around my hips like they were made especially for her to do just that “I told you: I’m not doing that again.”

She rested her hands on my shoulders, blinking rapidly as she stared at me. “If you don’t, then he will when you leave.”

My lips parted, shock taking over every part of me. “What the hell did you just say?”

She reeled back, her eyes as wide as saucers. My tone had clearly scared the shit out of her. “He’ll do it when you leave,” she choked out. “But not the same as you did.” I was trying to read between the lies, but fuck, I needed to know exactly what was happening to her here. The ideas running through my mind were destroying me.

“Please,” she begged, “touch me.”

I shook my head. I wanted an answer. I wanted to know who was touching her. I wanted to know every single thing that had happened between the time she’d been ripped off the streets to now. But as I looked deep into her eyes, I knew I wouldn’t get any of those answers today. She’s shuttered herself and built a wall to protect her mind. I understood that. I got it. Better than anyone.

If I walked out of here without doing what was “expected” of me, then I was putting us both in danger, but I didn’t care about me. What Ididcare about, was her.

Mind made up, I finally whispered, “This is for you.” I paused, letting it sink in, for her and me. “This is to help you. Got it?”

She nodded, her apprehension marked all over her face. She didn’t know what to expect, and to be honest, neither did I, but I’d do what I had to so that she was protected while she was here—at least, as protected as she could be.

And if Gio thought his plan for her to be a spy was working, then maybe he’d go lighter on her. Maybe she wouldn’t get hurt. Maybe it would make this entire thing easier.

So I lifted my hand, placing it on the side of her face. “I’m going to kiss you now, Bailey.” I’d only kissed a handful of girls in my life, but right then, it just felt like the right thing to do. And if Giowaswatching, then this would convince him even more that his plan was working.

She glanced down at my lips, her own parting. “I’ve never kissed anyone before.”

My cock jerked at her words. There was no way that I could disguise it, so I pressed closer to her. “Fuck, Bailey, you have no idea what that does to me.”

“What does it do to you?” Her words were innocent, and it reminded me that she was only seventeen. Her uncle had told us how she was ahead of the rest of the peers her age and already in her second year of college, but all that did was make me understand her even more. I’d finished college before most people my age were starting it. It was something we had in common, though, she didn’t know that.

“It makes me want to shove my cock inside your pretty little pussy,” I growled out. There was no point in holding back, not now. Sheneededme to do this to her, and I figured I may as well put on a show. The problem was, this wasn’t a show. I was letting myself be free with her. I was allowing myself to touch the woman who I’d already hurt.

But fuck…I couldn’t deny I wanted her. I wanted her more than I needed to take my next breath.

Her chest heaved as I stepped forward, her body still plastered against mine. I halted next to the bed and moved one hand off her naked ass and up to the back of my neck. With one quick pull, I yanked my hoody and T-shirt off, then threw them on the end of the bed, leaving my chest bare.

I sighed as her skin touched mine, but I hadn’t expected her fingers to trace the outline of my tattoos. “They’re all so pretty,” she murmured as I spun us around and sat on the edge of the bed. Pretty wasn’t how I would have described the dark swirls covering my skin. “Does each one have a story?” she asked, her doe eyes glancing back up at me.

“Yeah,” I gritted out, trying to keep control of myself, but it was damn hard when her hands were touching me freely.

“Tell me about this one?”