Page 22 of Romeo Pagani

“My uncle?” I choked out. Was that hope building inside of me? I knew I shouldn’t have let it, but it did. I’d been here for three months and now there was a light at the end of the tunnel. But… “Then why are you doing this?”

He stilled inside me, his breath fanning across my neck as he lifted his face. He was so close now that I could make out every single one of his features: his straight nose, his chocolate-brown eyes framed with long lashes, but the thing that stood out most to me were his full lips.

“I…” His gaze snapped to the left, and when I went to turn my head to see who he was looking at, he grabbed my face. His thumb and fingers squeezed my cheeks, but there was no mirth shadowed in his eyes as he stared down at me. “I’m playing the part,” he murmured, so low and close to my own mouth that I felt every one of his breaths across my lips.

“I don’t understand,” I gasped out, trying to stop the tears from falling. It was impossible though. Nothing made sense to me anymore. My head was completely fucked, and part of me wondered if it would ever be the same.

“You don’t need to understand,” he ground out, glancing to the left again. Whatever he saw there had him thrusting again, this time harder than before. “Just keep your mouth shut and do as you’re told.”

My breaths came harder, my chest threatening to collapse as he continued his movements, getting faster with each thrust and holding my face deathly still as he didn’t look away from me. His actions were at complete odds with not only the words he’d said to me, but what was shining in his eyes.

He said my uncle sent him, but there was no way my uncle would have wanted this to happen.



I wasn’t sure how long I’d been sitting in my car outside of the mansion, but I knew at least an hour had slipped by. I needed to think everything through, I needed to figure out just what the hell had happened last night, but it didn’t matter how many hours went by or how much I drove around aimlessly, I still couldn’t comprehend what had happened—whatI’ddone.

“Fuck!” I shouted, slamming my fist down on my steering wheel over and over again. Pain exploded over my knuckles from the impact, but I didn’t care. I needed something—anything—to bring me back to the here and now. I needed reality to slap me in the face and wake me the fuck up.

I’d been sent undercover to find out what Gio was up to, and to possibly find Mr. Blue’s niece, but I hadn’t expected to have to do anything necessary to keep my cover. When he sent her over to me and I knew what he expected from me, I should have pulled my concealed gun out there and then and took him out.

But I hadn’t. Because there was no chance that I would have made it out of the building alive. Even I knew that there were things in place with his security that you couldn’t see with the naked eye. That club was on such lockdown I wouldn’t be surprised if there were secret microphones recording every conversation.

Killing him that easily wouldn’t have helped anyone, and there was no way I was going to risk taking him down fully. Not when I had a mission in place.

So I’d done something to Bailey that Ineverthought I’d do. And…I liked it.

I slammed my fist down one last time for good measure, then threw my head back, trying to make sense of it. Was it the act that I liked? Or was it doing it toherthat turned me on? I ground my teeth together as my cock jerked at the memory of her tight pussy wrapped around my cock. I was sure I could still smell her too, but then, that wouldn’t surprise me considering I hadn’t been home to take a shower.

Blowing out a breath, I shook my head, trying to expel the memory of her. I had no right to that memory. I had no right to think about her at all. I’d been asked to help her, but instead, I’d done the opposite.

Never again though. I wouldn’t touch her again, no matter what Gio expected from me. I’d shoot him between the eyes next time.

And it was with that violent thought that I pushed out of my car, then hiked to the mansion doors. The stones under my feet crunched so loud it was like a bomb going off. It was still early—six a.m.—but I knew that Lorenzo would be awake. And that was who I needed to talk to. I needed to offload everything, then get the hell out of here and take the day to figure it all out.

I went into this thing with Gio with a plan, but that was blown to smithereens last night.

There was no way I could tell Lorenzo that though. What I’d done in the darkness of the club would stay there forever. A secret that I would take to the grave.

I lifted up a concealed flap on the side of the door—something that only the inner circle knew about—and input the code. It was a way for us all to be able to get into the main hub of the Beretta Mafia without having to make sure someone else was here. It was added security that Lorenzo had put in after his father died and he took over. One of the many things that had changed in the last couple of years.

Five clicks rang out as I stepped inside, signaling to whoever was in here that someone had used the code and gained access to the house. Within seconds Lorenzo was sauntering down the hallway toward me. He looked like he was coming from his office, which yet again, didn’t surprise me. I wasn’t sure the man ever slept.

“I have an update,” I told him.

He didn’t verbally answer me, instead he jerked his head and spun around, silently telling me to follow him. It was entirely too quick, the walk from the front door to his office, and now I was standing inside it, not sure where to start.

“Dante is on his way over,” Lorenzo said, flopping down onto one of the leather sofas. It wasn’t often that he would take a seat on one of those. He was relaxed, something that should have put me at ease, but right then, all it did was put me even more on edge.

I should have used the moments while we waited for Dante to figure out what I was going to say, but instead I just stared at the wall as I took a seat opposite Lorenzo. I couldn’t compute anything. My brain was a frazzled mess.

Dammit. I needed to get myself the hell together.

Footsteps rang out, each one getting louder and closer, and then Dante appeared in the open office door.

“Morning,” he grunted, running his hand through his hair. It was obvious that Lorenzo had woken him up for this, but luckily he only lived a two-minute walk away—across the lawn and in what used to be the guesthouse.