Page 20 of Romeo Pagani

“Mr. Pozzi likes us to look immaculate,” Seven told me, almost as if she could sense me thinking about her. “Make sure you shave…everywhere.”

She handed me a razor from the other side of the curtain, and for a second, I just stared at it like it was something I didn’t recognize. It was taking my brain way too long to catch up with everything happening around me. With a shake of her wrist, she caused my body to jerk to life and I took it from her, holding it in the air like I was wielding a weapon.

I didn’t trust her, not one tiny bit. It had been a full twelve hours since she’d shown me to my new “bedroom.” She’d been right there, tapping me on the face to get me to wake up after she’d knocked me out. I was trying to escape from the trap I was caught in—just like she was—but she’d stopped me.

When I’d first come around while lying on the sticky carpeted floor by the bar, she’d quickly ushered me out of there, telling me that we would be open soon, so I needed to leave. She’d left me in the tiny room with the thinnest mattress known to man all day.

I supposed it was better than the cage, but at least with the metal bars I could hear when someone was coming and was somewhat protected. Here, I had no protection, not even from the woman who was in the same position as me.

I’d been alone all day, watching the seconds and minutes tick by on the clock that Seven had pointed out to me. Part of me wished that I didn’t know the time, because it meant I concentrated on it all the more.

“Did you hear me, Bailey?”

I tried not to portray the fact that I was standing there as still as a statue and hummed in answer. Turning slightly, I relished in the feel of the water as it attempted to wash away the sins. It was futile though because even if you couldn’t physically see all the trauma that I’d been through in the last few months, I could feel every single second of it.

“You need to hurry,” Seven rushed out, her footsteps sounding as she paced the small bathroom back and forth. “We only have a couple of minutes to get out there.” Her voice was on edge, a frantic tone to it, and however much I wanted to tell her to go fuck herself, I didn’t have the energy, or the brain capacity, so I did as she said, shaving my legs, armpits, and my pussy. It was something I was used to doing, so I did it in only a couple of minutes.

Seven handed me a towel as I stepped out from under the water, her gaze going to my eye. I’d taken a quick peek in the mirror before I’d gotten in the shower and there was no doubt that there was going to be a dark bruise there. The swelling wasn’t too bad thankfully.

“We need to get out there.” She didn’t give me a chance to do anything but quickly towel off and then she grabbed my hand and opened the door. I tried to keep the towel wrapped around my body, but she soon eradicated that by snatching it off me and throwing it into a corner.

I opened my mouth to beg for the material back, but a quick look at her told me she was naked too. This meant that she was about to be part of whatever they were forcing me to do, but that somehow didn’t put me at ease as she rushed us down a small hallway, then through another door, and finally, we were back in the same room we’d been in yesterday, when we’d been tidying trash and cleaning tables.

It looked so different now though. The vibe in the air totally different.

I blinked at the amount of people in the room—men and more people like us. They were all doing…things…out in the open for everyone to see.

What…how… I shook my head, realizing…

This was a sex club.

My palms were clammy as Seven moved me close to a wall and whispered, “Mr. Pozzi is over there on your right.” She paused, waiting for me to look at him, but he was staring down at his cell. “Just stand here and try not to attract attention.”

I nodded, a little grateful at her words, even if I was still feeling salty about her stopping me from escaping. Maybe this was her weird way of helping me? Or maybe she just didn’t want to be alone.

My gaze slid around the room quickly and then I stood near the wall, trying to make myself as invisible as possible. Men came in and out, hours of sexual acts being performed right in front of me, but I couldn’t mistake the relief I felt at being ignored. Maybe I’d get away with just observing today…maybe this was all a misunderstanding.

I was stuck in my own head, all the false possibilities trying to make their way forward to the front of my brain, so I didn’t notice the man coming toward me until he suddenly grabbed my arm and yanked me forward.

My body jerked, my mouth opening to give him a smartass remark, but just as quickly as my knee-jerk reaction came, I schooled it and bit down on my bottom lip to stop from saying anything. It hadn’t gone well for me before now, and there was no doubt it would be even worse if I mouthed off or tried to get away in front of Mr. Pozzi and all of these people. If it was one thing I knew, powerful men did not like to be embarrassed.

The man moved me across the room, and a quick peek from beneath my lashes told me he was taking me over to Mr. Pozzi and another man. I hadn’t noticed Mr. Pozzi move from where he’d been sitting when Seven had first brought me in here. But then, I hadn’t been paying attention, too stuck in my own head.

He threw me to the ground and I stretched my arms out to catch my fall, but it was my knees that took the brunt of the impact.

“She’s yours,” I heard Mr. Pozzi say. “Only for the night, of course.”

I kept my head down as Mr. Pozzi left, not acknowledging me, and there were no words for how grateful I was for that. The thought of just looking him in the eye after what he’d done to me made me want to hurl. As if my body was feeling the same, the agony on my ass cheek came back tenfold, reminding me of exactly what he’d done to me in that room.

“Sit up,” the deep voice in front of me commanded.

Part of me wanted to refuse, to deny his demand, but I’d already been through enough in the last couple of days. The last thing I wanted was more hurt…I wasn’t sure my body could take it anymore. So, I did as he said.

If I was honest, there was something about his smooth but rough voice that had me wanting to do as he told me to. I didn’t like how I reacted to him, especially because of where we were. He wasn’t a good man, not if he was here, andespeciallyif he was Mr. Pozzi’s friend.

“Look at me.”

I slowly lifted my head, our gazes clashing. The lighting was low, so I couldn’t make him out completely from down here, but the tattoos peeking out of the bottom of his sleeves intrigued me.