Page 19 of Romeo Pagani

“Sit up,” I commanded. She did as I said, revealing her naked body, but her face was still covered by her hair. I hated how much I liked the fact that she’d listened to me instantly, and even I wasn’t stupid enough to deny that it turned me on.

Fuck. I wasn’t like the men here. I refused to be like them.

It’s just a game I’m playing. It’s just a game.

I tried to repeat that over and over, reminding myself why I was here and what I was doing. The reality was that it wasn’t just about what Gio had done to Navy and Dario, it was more than that. He’d betrayed The Enterprise, and that was a fatal mistake that he would pay for…eventually. First, I had to find all the evidence that I could.

“Look at me,” I told her. She lifted her head up, her gaze meeting mine, but in the dim light, I couldn’t really make out the features on her face. I was going too slow, I knew that when I saw the security guy take up his stance only five feet away.

This was definitely a test.

There was only two options. Walk out and blow my cover. Or do what needed to be done to this woman to gain Gio’s trust.

My stomach rolled as I knew exactly what I had to do.

Hauling in a deep breath, I then shot forward, grabbing her under the arms and practically throwing her down on the seats of the booth. She squealed, the first sound she’d made, but she didn’t fight me. She’d been trained for this, and that only made me all the more angry.

Her large eyes gazed up at me, not looking away from my face for a single second. It was unnerving but also…fuckin’ hot. I shouldn’t have been turned on at the prospect of what I was about to do, but I couldn’t help it. Within seconds I was as hard as a rock and undoing the button and zip on my jeans.

I had to make this as quick and painless for both of us. Because I knew if I failed this test, there would be no going back. I was trapped in the jaws of a shark, and this was my only way out. But it was also the way I got further in too.

I lined my cock up at her entrance, then ran my palm over her smooth shaven pussy, pulling her lips apart and seeing the glistening folds. Fuck. Me. It was the prettiest pussy I’d ever seen in my life.

My breaths came faster. My pulse racing as my blood pumped through my body at lightning speed. I was about to cross a line, but damn, I couldn’t help myself. Not right then. Not ever.

Slowly, I pushed my cock inside her. I shouldn’t have liked it. I shouldn’t have liked the fact that her tight pussy was squeezing my cock.

“It hurts,” she whispered, her body tensing underneath me.

“It’s okay,” I responded, rubbing my hand down her thigh. There was something rough under my fingers, so I pulled back a little to look down at it. “A scar.” I didn’t realize I was talking out loud until she tried to close her legs. “No,” I demanded, grabbing her thighs and pulling them even farther apart. My cock was firmly inside her, but now all I could focus on was the scar running from the top of her thigh all the way down to her knee.

It felt like the floor was spinning underneath me as my mind played catch-up with what my eyes were seeing.

I snapped my head up, looking her dead in the face. I still couldn’t make out all of her features, but it was enough to know who the fuck she was.

She shifted again, her pussy moving against my cock.

Fuck. I was…fuck.

I needed to pull out. I needed to snatch her up and run the hell out of there. But even just thinking it, I knew what would happen. We’d both be dead within minutes. There was no getting out yet. There was nothing I could do but let her know that I wasn’t the evil man I was sure she thought I was.

I leaned down over her, my cock thrusting in and out of her in the process. I swore I heard her moan, but I had to be mistaken. I was taking advantage of her. I was stealing her body when it wasn’t mine to take. But damn, nothing could make me pull out of her right then.

“Please don’t hurt me,” she murmured as I came closer to her face.

I rested my head in the crook of her neck, losing the will to stay still as I thrusted inside her tight hole again. Then turned so that my lips were against her ear and whispered, “Bailey.” Her body froze, confirming to me that she was who I thought she was. “Your uncle sent me.”

* * *


I sighed as the water cascaded over my body, pricking at my sensitive skin. The clear liquid turned a dark brown as it flowed over my skin and swirled down the drain, taking every ounce of dirt with it. I had a feeling that it didn’t matter how much I scrubbed at the dirt covering me, I’d never feel clean again, not after what Mr. Pozzi had done to me.

Slamming my eyes closed, I shivered, trying to get the sensation of his hands off of me, but it didn’t matter what I did or how hard I concentrated, it felt like he wasright there. Touching me. Hurting me.

I tried my hardest to swallow back the lump in my throat, but it felt impossible. My hands started to shake, my legs threatening to give way, so I leaned against the cool tile wall, trying to steady my breathing while not giving anything away to the person standing on the other side of the shower curtain.

I was hyperaware of Seven standing there waiting for me. She’d been the one to bring me in here and told me to get myself cleaned up. Apparently the “guests” that were coming wouldn’t want me covered in three months’ worth of dirt.