Page 15 of Romeo Pagani

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I wasn’t sure how long I was left on the bed alone with blood and other liquid still trailing out of me. Sobs brewed, threatening to take me over fully. And I allowed myself to break down. I’d give myself this right now, but as soon as the men came back in the room, I’d pull myself together and put on a mask that I was determined to make impenetrable.

I refused to let people see me like this. But more than that, I refused to letthemsee me like this.

I tried to take stock of everything—of what was around me, of my body, of what had just happened.

Tears streamed down my face as the pain down there got worse. It burned, leaving behind the reminder of what he’d just done. I’d just had one of the worst things to happen to anyone happen to me, and I was broken inside, shattered, unable to be put back together.

How was I supposed to move on from this?

How was I supposed to live the rest of my life after he’d done that?

Maybe I just shouldn’t be here anymore.

My heart skipped a beat, my pulse racing as the thought popped into my head. It wasn’t the first time that had happened, but it had been a while since I thought like that. But right then, I knew I’d never meant it more than in that moment.

It was all too much to handle. The pain—both physical and mental—was consuming me and threatening to tear me apart piece by tiny piece.

The door clicked open. I froze. Trying my hardest not to make a peep.

Had he come back for me? Was he not finished in destroying me yet? My tears were still falling, but there wasn’t a single noise coming from me.

My ears perked up, trying to listen to what was happening around me since I couldn’t see who it was. If my instinct was right, then there was only one person in the room with me. And from the way each of my binds was undone one after the other, it confirmed it.

“Get up,” he commanded.

My muscles screamed at me, my ass so freaking sore that it stung every time I made the tiniest movement. But I still tried to get up.

The man growled at my slowness, but I wasn’t doing it on purpose. I needed to take my time. I had to make sure I was okay.

“Hurry the fuck up.”

“It hurts,” I whispered, looking up at him for the first time. There was something shining in his bright blue eyes, but he pushed it away as soon as I saw it, replacing it with the same kind of darkness that the other man had.

“Just get the fuck up,” he growled, yanking at me. I squeaked at the rough grip he had on me, but didn’t do anything to fight it. I knew better than to fight in here because there was only one way out and he was blocking it.

He tied my hands together behind my back and a sack was thrown over my head, just like the one that had been covering my face when I’d first been captured. It felt like that had been a lifetime ago.

“Walk,” the man demanded, the same one that I’d taken out in the room earlier today—or was that yesterday?

I moved my feet in front of each other, gritting my teeth from the grip the man had on my arm. Why did these men feel the need to hurt people? What was so bad in their brains that made them the way they were?

“Step,” he ground out.

I lifted my foot off the ground, but I couldn’t feel anything in front of me. And apparently, I was being too slow for him because he picked me up and threw me in the air. I squealed, not sure where I was going to land, but then something soft cushioned my fall.

Seconds later an engine was turned on, and I realized we were in a moving vehicle, most probably a car.

We drove for only a few minutes and then I was being hauled out again, only this time he didn’t let me walk, he just threw me over what I was presuming was his shoulder and moved us.

Murmurs sounded out around us as a door slammed shut somewhere, and then I was placed on the ground, my shaky legs not quite holding me up at first. I was still fully naked, blood staining my skin. The evidence on my body told a story of what I’d been through, and I just hoped to hell that somebody here would care and help me.

But deep down I knew that was a dream—a dream that would never come true.

The sack over my head was yanked off. Unlike the first time that happened, there were no bright lights, just a dim room with a lone woman standing in the middle of it.