Page 11 of Romeo Pagani

“No. That’s what he—or I—can’t find. Their location is locked down tight.” He rolled his shoulders, most probably trying to relieve some of the tension that all of us were suffering. “There’s only one way to find out what’s actually happening and what they’re doing.”

The room was silent, all of us knowing what was coming. We’d always lived on the wrong side of the law, never prying into anyone’s business. But this was different. Trafficking people was a line that Luca had drawn a long time ago with all of The Enterprise families, and that wasn’t going to change. If anything, Lorenzo took that shit even more seriously. We may have dealt in guns and drugs and money, butneverin people.

“We have to infiltrate them,” Lorenzo gritted out, pushing his seat back as he stood. He stared at a spot on the wall, his brows furrowed. There was no doubt that he was formulating a plan, then suddenly his head whipped around, his attention moving to me. “You. We need to use you.”

“Me?” My eyes widened as I pointed at my chest, shocked by his words. I knew we’d have to get in with the Pozzis, but using me? How? I had all of these questions swirling in my head, wanting answers, and as if Lorenzo could read my mind, he stepped toward me.

“Gio Pozzi knows I can’t stand him.” He hooked a thumb toward Dante. “And we know Gio doesn’t like Dante if he was behind what happened to Navy and Dario. But you…” He grinned, the kind of grin only violence could incite. “You’re fresh meat to him. You’re the son of the notorious torturer. He’ll think that you’re just like your father and want to see the agony you inflict upon people.”

The more he spoke, the more enthusiastic he became, as if the plan was evolving the more he said the words out loud.

“How would I do it?” I asked, but I could already feel the start of ideas whipping around my brain. I had to become one of them. I had to act like I wanted in on the business. I had to come with connections.

“Come to The Enterprise meeting with me,” he said. “You’ll see.” He tapped my shoulder. “Go get your best suit on.”

Unlike Lorenzo, I wasn’t a shirt-and-pants type of guy, I much preferred black jeans and a T-shirt, but I couldn’t always get away with that, although most days I did. It was what I was most comfortable in, and doing the job that I did, you needed to be comfortable.

I stood, trying to keep my attention in the room, but it was hard when I thought about the fact that I had to act like I wanted in on something that tried to destroy the people I cared about most. This was personal. This was going to end. This was war with the Pozzis.

“What time do we leave?” I asked.

“Meet us there,” Lorenzo said as he punched the code into the security door that separated us from the rest of the house. “Bring your own car.” He tilted his head as he looked at me. “And scrap what I said, don’t get changed. You need to be the outlier here. We need to draw him to you.”

I raised a brow, a smirk lifting at the corner of my lips. “So now I’m bait?”

Lorenzo grinned wider than I’d ever seen as a brash laugh left his mouth. “Yeah, Romeo, you’re fuckin’ bait.”

I laughed along with him, knowing I needed to ease some of the tension. We had to play this right. We had to make moves that wouldn’t reveal what our intention was: to take the fuckers down and bleed every one of them dry.

“The niece?” I asked as the door clicked open. “What about her?”

Lorenzo’s lips slammed into a straight line, his eyes darkening. “We’ll try to find her. If we do, then we’ll get her out of there. Either way, we’re gonna shut the fuckers down.” He inhaled a deep breath. “They broke the rules. Rules that my father put in place. And now…now they’ll pay the ultimate price.”

I clipped my head in a quick nod. He’d just laid down the law, and now we would all follow. It was what we did for the boss. We all had trust in him, some blindly, but I knew what my cousin could do, I knew the wrath he had. They didn’t want to get on his bad side, but more importantly, they didn’t want to get on mine. I’d never truly felt passionate about what I did because I needed a reason behind it, and this…this was full of reasons.

Everyone filed out of the command center, but I stayed behind, reading the sheets of paper that Remy had put on the table. There were pictures of things for sale, kids and women trapped in dog cages. At first glance of the photo, it appeared to be an animal shelter, but it wasn’t until you looked closer that you realized they were humans.

Fuck. What the hell had Gio been doing?

“It gets worse,” Remy murmured. I glanced up at him, waiting for what else he had to say. “Some of the things I’ve seen from this organization…” He trailed off, shaking his head. “Take them down as fast as you can.”

I pushed my shoulders back, hearing Lorenzo get closer and Mateo talking to him. They were about to leave, so I needed to follow.

“I’ll bleed every one of them dry,” I told Remy, he chuckled, not understanding that I meant what I said. It was a promise; one that I would keep even if it took the rest of my life to do.

People shouldn’t be treated like pieces of meat to be sold for profit. They weren’t to be used. We respected our women, but this fucker didn’t respect even himself or the organization that he grew up in if he was blatantly breaking the rules.

I inhaled a breath, closing my eyes and centering myself, then pushed everything aside. I was in work mode, knowing who my target was and what my mission was. I’d do this. I’d get in with Gio and get to know every bit of his business.

We didn’t say anything else as we all piled into cars—me in my own—and I followed them there. We took a different route than the last time, making sure we weren’t followed, then finally I trailed them into the parking lot.

I didn’t look away as Lorenzo pushed out of the SUV followed by Dante. He glanced over at me and I shook my head. He wanted me to go inside, but I had my own plan. I knew that wouldn’t work to get Gio’s attention.

Lorenzo frowned, but he nodded. He trusted me, even if he didn’t know what I was doing. Once they were inside the building, I reversed and parked, close enough that Gio wouldn’t be able to miss me, but far enough away that it wouldn’t look like I was waiting for him.

My instinct told me to get out of my black car, so I did.

I spotted his car pulling in seconds later. Unlike Lorenzo and the rest of The Enterprise bosses, Gio Pozzi was on his own, driving himself. He probably thought he was untouchable. A stupid thing to think when we were in the business that we were.