“We know the third book will deal with the relationship on land as Sealena’s time is running out...but what do you think happens to ensure they can be together?”
And theories flew out at record speed.
“The fisherman is magical too...”
“Sealena finds a loophole in her thirty-day stay...”
“The waning moon holds a special magic that allows her to transform again...”
All fascinating ideas, and as Carly listened, she made notes, hoping one of them would strike the right chord.
Then, finally, one did.
“What if the fisherman and Sealena had a baby together?”
Carly’s mouth dropped as she turned to see who’d voiced the perfect thought and saw Skylar standing in the doorway. All eyes turned to stare at her, still in her coast guard uniform, having come to the book club straight from work.
She waited... What would the room think?
Eyes lit up and excited discussion resumed around her, everyone talking at once, all seemingly on board with that idea. Her heart raced as thoughts spiraled through her... She could make that work—somehow—and that would open the door for the further three books in the series.
Feeling more inspired than she had in days, Carly stood quickly. “Um, keep chatting among yourselves, keep enjoying the treats. I just have to run out for a moment...”
Rachel winked at her, obviously thrilled to be part of the inner circle of knowledge, but no one else seemed to be paying any attention to her as she moved past the chairs and headed out of the room. She smiled at Skylar and squeezed her arm. “Thank you,” she whispered as she hurried upstairs to her waiting laptop.
The words flowing to her mind, she started to type, ready to give Sealena and the fisherman the love story of a lifetime:
This is impossible, yet I can feel new life growing inside of me.
She didn’t pause for a break until the final chapters were done. Then, sitting back, she smiled, a sense of satisfaction and pride overwhelming her as she composed the email to Paige and hit Send.
Sealena had gotten her happily-ever-after. Now Carly just needed to find a way to get hers.
Too bad there wasn’t a support group she could call on for that.
THREEDAYSLATER, Carly entered the tourism office on her way to the post office counter to mail the signed contract for the next three books in the Sealena series. The offer had arrived the day before, immediately after Paige had read the new ending and loved it. And Carly had immediately signed the new agreement without hesitation.
After finishing the book, ideas for the future of Sealena and her new family had popped into her mind and she was excited to get started on the next installment. What had once felt like a side hustle, a hobby, now felt like her true calling.
She was an author.
One with a very sizable advance coming her way that she knew exactly what to do with.
“Hey. In here,” Sebastian said, poking his head out into the hall and gesturing for her to enter the office.
They hadn’t spoken since he’d approached Oliver with the proposal, but there was really nothing she could say or do, and in the end, she still agreed it was best for the community.
As she entered, the office receptionist, Maya, exited, a flushed look on her face, and Carly caught Sebastian’s gaze lingering on the other woman. Obviously, he’d moved on already.
He approached and hugged her quickly. “Heard about Tess. So relieved she’s okay.”
She nodded. “It was scary for a few hours there, but yeah, she’s good.” The little girl had been texting her over the last few days, wondering when they’d all get together again, and it had been difficult to respond, not knowing the answer herself.
But she told Tess she’d see her at the parade that weekend.
Which led her to her question for Sebastian. “Could you possibly drive the parade float?” Oliver had helped build it every year, but he always refused to drive it. Most years, he skipped the parade entirely. Carly suspected Tess would be attending with Callan and Rachel again that year.
It was disappointing, but she couldn’t force things...