Her nostrils flared and her eyes narrowed. “Pressured you into it?” Was the man serious right now? “When have I ever pressured you into anything?” For years, she’d kept her feelings for Oliver to herself, suffering and pining in silence because she hadn’t wanted to lose their friendship or make him feel like he had to commit to her in a more serious way. She’d never asked for anything from their friendship. His words right now were unfair and they hurt.

“That’s not what I meant. I just mean you think this is the right thing to do and you would have tried to convince me.”

She sighed. “Maybe. Yeah,” she said honestly. “I just think your judgment is being clouded and you’re trying to hold on to the past. Not allowing yourself to move on and do what’s best for you. Again,” she said.

Oliver was quiet as he stared at the floor, contemplating her words. He sighed and she watched his shoulders rise and fall. When he looked up at her again, his expression was full of anguish. “I think maybe we are on different sides of this...and I’m not sure there’s a way to meet in the middle.”

What exactly was he saying? “Oliver...” She took a step toward him, but he held back. Her chest tightened and a lump rose in the back of her throat. “Let’s take a minute and talk about this.” Talk about everything. Clear the air and find a way to work through all of this together.

“I’m not sure I want to say anything more right now,” he said.

“Okay, well, why don’t we have something to eat? Just sit and take a breather?” she asked. They needed to cool off and just take a moment to think and prioritize.

But Oliver shook his head. “I can’t.” He took a deep breath. “In fact, I’m not sure I can do this, Carly.”

Her eyes widened. “Do what?” Was he talking about them?

“You and me. I think maybe I rushed into things and...” He sighed. “Damn, I don’t know.”

He didn’t know? Didn’t know about her...about them. Was he truly ending this? Pushing her away again? Closing himself off after they’d opened up to one another?

He looked conflicted and torn as he stared at her.

Her heart was breaking in ways she’d never thought it could break as she stood there, not knowing what to say to change his mind or convince him that they could work this out together. She’d never known how to fight for Oliver Klein, and that day, she was too exhausted to.

So, when he headed toward the door to leave, she didn’t try to stop him.


THENAPHADwon out once Oliver had left her apartment, but she hadn’t exactly slept much. Lying on her bed, heartbroken, confused and distraught, Carly had tossed and turned, trying to rest, trying to quiet the conflict coursing through her. The last few days had been an emotional roller coaster and, as much as she wanted to close her eyes and shut the world out for a few hours, sleep and comfort had eluded her.

Arguing with Oliver was something she’d never done before. As best friends, they’d always gotten along and agreed about most things—or rather, she’d just been agreeable and gone along with whatever he wanted. She hadn’t forced things between them or demanded anything from him out of love and respect, but she was also realizing it had been out of a sense of fear and not wanting to upset the status quo. She hadn’t wanted to disrupt the peace between them or have any tension or conflict. That was why their relationship had remained stagnant all these years.

Well, she couldn’t do that anymore. She’d voiced her feelings and gone after what she wanted with him. Things had progressed for the better, but she couldn’t just be a puppet and agree with him on everything just to keep that peaceful, loving relationship.

Her mother had once said that couples who cared about one another fought. And Carly hadn’t realized how much her mother was right until now. In her previous relationships, she’d never fought—she hadn’t cared enough. But with Oliver, she needed to have a voice and be heard.

And if they were going to be together, he needed to hear her.

Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to want to even listen.

Rolling over on her bed, Carly could see the sky darkening outside as night fell. She’d been lying there for hours, thinking about him, replaying their conversation in her mind, trying to decide if maybe he was right...but she just couldn’t bring herself to agree with his stance on the subject or the way he’d used this hiccup to once again drive a wedge between them.

Oliver Klein may never be ready for a new relationship, a new love and future with her, and Carly needed to learn to accept that.

Sometimes, happily-ever-after just didn’t work out...

Climbing out of bed, she made her way to the kitchen. Flicking on the table lamp, she sat at her laptop. These raging emotions might as well make themselves useful for something.

She opened her manuscript and picked up where she’d left off, with Sealena having dived into the unknown in an effort to save her fisherman:

In the water, the waves crash against my body and I’m tossed around like a tiny, helpless ship as I try to swim in the direction of the fishing boat. I can see it in the distance but it feels impossibly far away.

I used to be able to swim fast and strong against the currents, defying the angry sea, but in this human form, my limbs ache and freeze and tire.

I’ve never felt the ocean’s power like this. Fighting back. There was never any battle for me before. The waves and tide did as I commanded. Now I’m powerless against its demanding current. It’s as though the ocean is taking its long-awaited revenge on me and my kind.

Punishing me for interfering in its will for so many years.