“We’re in,” Rachel said after a quick look at Callan, who nodded.

Sebastian checked his watch. “I can’t stay...but thanks. I have a meeting.”

Oliver couldn’t say he was disappointed that the guy had other plans, but he suspected Sebastian was bailing because he wasn’t thrilled about the connection between himself and Carly. They’d kept things PG around the others, but there had definitely been flirting and sexual tension and a few quick kisses. He’d seen Carly giggling with Rachel and Skylar at one point, so he assumed the ladies were in the loop when it came to all the juicy gossip.

Which was fine with him.

He had no hesitancy or reservations about the group knowing about the two of them. He was falling in love with his best friend and all he felt was happiness and renewed hope for his future.

His and Tess’s.

“Okay, well, give me two minutes to shower and then I’ll start the grill,” he said as they all left the shed and the three leaving headed toward their vehicles.

“Should I get started on margaritas?” Carly asked him.

Oliver’s heart soared even more. They were hosting their first impromptu get-together as a couple. Him at the grill, her at the margarita maker—perfect way to end a long, hot summer day.

Something he could definitely get used to.

CARLYSIPPEDTHEICY, refreshing lime-flavored margarita as she stretched her legs out in front of her on the lawn chair next to Oliver’s an hour later. The summer sun was setting and the smell of BBQ lingered in the air as they sat across from Rachel and Callan, enjoying the evening after a long day of hard work. An early-evening breeze blew her hair into her face and Carly tucked it behind her ear as she took another sip of her drink.

A few feet away, Tess and Darcy lounged on large beanbag lawn chairs, munching on popcorn as they watched the latest kids’ movie being projected onto the shed wall with an old projector Oliver had rigged for Movies Beneath the Stars. It was a wonderful setup and the girls loved it. The sound of their laughter filled her heart. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so complete. So happy. So at peace.

She’d been there with them a million times, but this time felt different. As though she were a part of it in a different way. Making and serving the drinks while Oliver made the food had felt like a whole new level of intimacy. Almost more powerful than the sex. They were operating as a couple, hosting their friends. Their connection and relationship on full display. She was no longer just a guest in Oliver’s home.

Oliver reached for her hand between their chairs and a tingle raced up her arm at the touch. She squeezed his hand tight and he winked at her. She loved that they weren’t trying to hide what was going on between them. They were both entitled to their happiness and it didn’t matter what anyone else thought.

Rachel grinned at her over the rim of her margarita glass and she grinned back. She’d filled Rachel and Skylar in on the details of the budding relationship earlier that day...or at least, some of the details. The more intimate ones she’d kept to herself, much to Rachel’s chagrin.

And her friend took Oliver’s lightened, margarita-influenced move to take another run at her interview request. “So, Oliver...” she started. “Now that the float is done, I was wondering if maybe you might have time for that interview?”

Carly held her breath, but she didn’t feel Oliver tense beside her the way she’d have expected. She knew Rachel had been hounding him for an insider story about the history of the lighthouse and his family since she’d moved to town and Oliver kept resisting. He was a private person and the invasion of his privacy by the local papers and law enforcement years ago had left their mark. He was now weary of these kinds of interviews—rightly so.

But Carly also couldn’t fault her friend for trying. She was hoping to grow her blog about the town and it was great exposure for the community.

“She’s relentless,” Callan said to Oliver, with an affectionate gaze toward Rachel.

“Part of the job,” she said with a no-offense-taken shrug.

Oliver sighed. “I’m not sure, Rachel.”

She leaned on her elbows, her red hair falling over her shoulders. “Look, this place is so full of mystery and charm. I just think it would be such a fantastic story. And...there is this rumor circulating that the town might be considering converting this place...” She lowered her voice so the girls wouldn’t hear.

Oliver nodded with a quick glance in Tess’s direction. Obviously, he hadn’t mentioned anything about it to Tess yet. Carly too had heard the rumor circulating around town that week, that there had been a property developer looking at the land around the lighthouse, but she hadn’t heard anything directly, and she knew not to believe every whisper around town, so she hadn’t brought it up to Oliver.

Was that what Sebastian wanted to talk to her about? This new proposal of his? She remembered Oliver’s look when Sebastian had requested the meeting with her. Maybe there was more to the rumor than she knew.

“Reminding the community of the lighthouse’s history and its origins and significance might help your case,” Rachel continued, pleadinghercase.

Carly’s stomach twisted unexpectedly at her friend’s angle. Maybe an article like that could help if Oliver wanted to keep the lighthouse the way it was. But she couldn’t help but be unsure of what was best for the community, despite her growing relationship with Oliver.

While this place was important to Oliver and Tess and his family, it was also important to the town as a community historical site, one that could be further utilized to draw tourists and provide more accommodations within the town. When she’d heard the rumor, her reaction had been torn.

The idea of him revisiting the past and recounting the old stories hadn’t bothered her before, but now the idea made her uneasy for a lot of reasons. They’d just started to explore their new connection and were working toward a future together. Was it a good idea for Oliver to rehash the past? What kind of effect would that have on him? On them?

But Oliver had been resistant to Rachel’s interview requests so far, so the likelihood that he’d agree now was slim. Either way, it was his decision and she’d support whatever he decided.

Rachel continued to stare at him expectantly and Callan just shrugged to say,up to you, man.