He held her hands together and placed them over her head on the pillow before easing the vibrator in and out of her body. “How bad do you want it, Carly?”

“Bad. Very bad... Please, Oliver. I’m aching...”

Having this control over her was something so beyond anything he’d ever felt before. The vibrator might be the one doing the work, but he was deciding when and how she came. Having her lying there, vulnerable, trusting him, being open to anything he wanted to do to her, was a power trip and it brought him even closer to her.

“Oliver, I need to feel the pressure inside me,” she said.

Her mesmerizing dark eyes had him giving in, no longer able to tease her. He slid the vibrator back inside and turned the knob until the sensations were powerful and commanding. The rabbit ears pressed against her red, swollen clit, vibrating with force, and Carly cried out in release as her orgasm had her body trembling on the bed. She sucked in a deep breath as her back arched and her fingers tangled in the bedsheets.

Oliver leaned over her and kissed her hard as she rode out the rippling sensations. Finally, her body settled and relaxed and he slowly turned off the vibrator and eased it out of her body.

“That had to be the best sex of my life,” she said.

“In that case, we’ll have to keep this thing close,” he said.

Carly grinned a satiated smile up at him. “Not feeling at all fazed by the machine’s backup capabilities?”

“Not in the least,” he said, kissing her lips. “I’m already envisioning a lot more fun we could have with it.”

THEINSPIRATIONWAScertainly flowing that morning. It was the first 5:00 a.m. writing session that she hadn’t needed as much caffeine to get moving. After her night with Oliver, Carly was filled with new energy and motivation for Sealena’s love story.

Sitting at her desk, her coffee going cold next to her, she furiously typed the next few chapters of her book, which detailed Sealena’s days on land, the deepening connection between her and the fisherman, the way their lives intersected, and how they were learning to trust one another, how to love one another.

Carly’s fingers could barely keep up with the thoughts flowing in her mind:

They say nothing can last forever.

But they haven’t seen the way the fire burns deep between us when our bodies connect. Lovemaking in his world is different than in mine. It’s tender, yet passionate. It’s uncontrollable, yet measured. There’s a rhythm that flows between our bodies, connecting our souls.

In my world, I dominate everything I touch. With my fisherman, I surrender.

I give up control, power, a need to overwhelm, and just release into the sensations flowing through me.

He runs his fingers along my skin and goose bumps surface, a tingling that feels like the ocean waves caressing my skin. He kisses my lips and his mouth tastes salty like the water I command. He’s the best of both worlds.

He lifts me into his arms and carries me into the bedroom. His motions are confident but careful, as though he might break me.

Break me—Sealena—goddess of the sea, protector of men, queen of the depths.

With him, I am fragile.

It’s both terrifying and liberating. As though I can let go, relax, let someone else take care of me. It’s foreign yet welcome. But how long could I surrender my power, before the deep, burning urge within me takes over, ruins everything?

It can’t be suppressed...

My ancestors have tried.

I’m not the first to fall in love with a mortal. A mere human. Someone who shouldn’t hold the mesmerizing power over me.

Generations of my kind have tried to bridge the gap between ocean and earth, connect our two worlds...and failed.

Despite the love my fisherman has for me now, it can’t last. This spell he is under isn’t real. It has a time limit. One that gets closer to expiring every day. I have to let him go after thirty days or he will be forever lost...as will I.

His madness has started to develop already. I see him gazing out to sea in a trance, weighing the life he has against the one he thinks could be.

There’s no life underwater for him, yet my spell will make him believe he too has a choice. He doesn’t. Our souls have intertwined as he is the balance to my watery being. In thousands of years, this happens once and only once. He is the chosen one.

And while his love for me is real—it will destroy him. Therefore, my love for him needs to set him free. It’s the true test of my love.