They’d been intimate, but this would be taking things even further. Uniting their two bodies would be another level of emotional commitment. But Carly was more than ready for it. “I’m sure. I want you. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you. Make love to me, Oliver,” she said.

He didn’t need further encouragement. He climbed off the bed and retrieved a condom from his jeans pocket. Opening it, he slid it on over his long, thick shaft. From the bed, Carly’s mouth watered as she watched. Her desire for him mounting, she clutched her legs together to keep the sensations at bay.

Oliver climbed back onto the bed and moved toward her, running his hands along her inner thighs as he gently spread her legs apart. Carly trembled with anticipation as he wedged himself between them and rested his lower half against her. Supporting his upper body with his arms, he stared down at her as he ground his cock against her body. His eyes closed and a moan escaped him. “This won’t last long,” he said apologetically.

“I’m halfway there already,” she said, gripping his ass and pressing him against her opening. She could feel his hard, thick cock against her body and she craved the feeling of having him inside her, filling her completely. “Oliver, please...”

She didn’t have to say anything more.

Oliver positioned himself at her opening and gently eased into her body. His head fell back at the sensations and Carly gripped his forearms as she wrapped her legs around him, giving him full access to go deeper.

He did and she moaned in pleasure as he filled the tight space. He moved in and out and she rocked her hips in a steady rhythm, keeping pace with him as his moves became faster, more urgent...

“Carly, oh, Carly,” he said, and the sound of her name on his lips drove her wild. It was her making him feel this way. She was fulfilling her fantasies of being with him and it was beyond her wildest dreams.

He stared down at her and their gazes held as he continued to fuck her harder and harder until they were both moaning and giving in to the uncontrollable sensations enveloping them, making them one, uniting them...

He plunged deeper and then slowly pulled back out, repeating the motions until Carly’s legs trembled around him and her toes curled, the first ripples of orgasm mounting. “Oliver, I’m coming,” she said breathlessly.

He lowered his head to her neck and placed desperate kisses there as he picked up his pace once more, bringing them both over the edge. He bit down on the flesh at her collarbone as his cock throbbed within. Carly’s own orgasm had her crying out in pleasure as the two held tight to one another.

As the feelings cascaded and slowly subsided, Oliver’s body went limp and he rolled off her, pulling her against him. He kissed her mouth and then touched her cheek as he stared into her eyes. His expression was unreadable and slightly conflicted and Carly’s heart raced.

“Everything okay?” she asked.

“It is now,” Oliver said. “I’m just sorry it took me so long to get here. To this moment with you,” he said.

“You’re here now,” Carly said as she snuggled closer, feeling happier than she’d ever allowed herself the hope to be.


BEINGWITHCARLYwas unlike anything Oliver had ever experienced. They had a natural chemistry and the way their bodies moved in sync from years of knowing one another had made their lovemaking seem effortless. There was no awkwardness as they tried to figure one another out, no hesitancy, no struggle to get out of their heads and just be in their bodies.

Even lying next to her in her bed felt right.

Her back was turned to him and he admired the shape of her body in the early-morning light streaming in through the window. Unable to resist touching her, he trailed a hand along the curves of her side, the soft, warm skin making his own body instantly spring to life. The night before he couldn’t get enough of her and it didn’t seem as though their hours of passionate lovemaking had done anything to extinguish any of the desire and lust he had for her.

Damn, how had they been friends for so long without him realizing this burning need for her that was now consuming him so completely?

His fingers reached a delicate spot on her stomach and she wiggled in response to the tickle before slowly rolling toward him, her sleepy gaze so freaking irresistible when her eyes opened.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself,” he said, brushing her hair away from her face and peering down at her. If he thought she was beautiful at other times of the day, first thing in the morning, she was completely breathtaking. Messy hair, no makeup, sleepy expression and a look of peace had her radiating. He couldn’t tear his eyes away. He wanted to commit this moment—this look—to memory.

“How long have you been awake?” she asked, moving closer and snuggling into his naked body. Neither of them had bothered to put on clothing the night before and the uninhibited way they could be around one another spoke volumes.

He pulled her in tight. “About an hour.”

“You’ve just been lying there, staring at me?”

“Yep,” he said with a laugh. “In the least creepy way, of course.”

She covered a yawn with a hand. “Was I snoring?”

“Nope. But you do talk in your sleep,” he said.

Her eyes widened slightly as though she feared giving away some deep, dark secret. As if Carly could ever have anything to hide or be ashamed of. She was the most honest, altruistic person he’d ever met. And she had the worst poker face in the world—she could never successfully hide things from him. “What did I say?” she asked carefully.

“Just that I’m the best lover you’ve ever had,” he said teasingly. In truth, he hadn’t been able to decipher her mumbling. Just random words strung together that obviously made sense in her consciousness, but he couldn’t resist teasing her.