“Yes, sorry,” Carly said with an embarrassed smile. “You all have your teams and assigned tasks, so let’s get started!” She climbed down as the teams gathered. Dex, Skylar and Sebastian were in charge of decorating the arches with sea florals and corals and sea creatures. Some were store-bought, others they were fabricating from colored cardboard. Callan, Rachel and Darcy were working on the ocean base and the layered waves they were constructing out of wood, painting them with the various shades of blue Carly had purchased. Rachel had a great eye for color and detail, so she knew the waves would turn out perfectly with the right amount of contrasting white. And she, Oliver and Tess were in charge of the key structure on the float—Sealena.

She planned for the sea creature to stand eight feet tall on top of the ocean waves at the base, meaning the overall height of the float would be over fifteen feet. She wanted to make sure people could see it from all angles and any viewing position along Main Street.

After turning on the music, she headed toward Callan, Rachel and Darcy. “You guys okay? Know how you’re going to tackle this?” she asked.

Callan nodded. “Piece of cake. I’m no stranger to a skill saw and Darcy is going to draw the shape of the waves before I cut.”

Carly high-fived the little girl. “Big ones. Menacing-looking ones.”

Darcy nodded, accepting the responsibility. “I’m on it.”

“How about you, Rach—all good?”

“I’m already mixing colors over here,” Rachel said, perched over the rainbow of paint colors. As usual, she’d brought flair to her float-building attire, wearing a cute painter’s smock, her red hair tied in a bandanna.

Carly knew she could depend on the team. She gave them a thumbs-up sign as she made her way toward Dex, Skylar and Sebastian. Unfortunately, they were off to a slightly slower start. The three of them stood around the first arch, looking a little confused. Even the dog had a perplexed look as she pawed at a string of decorations. “What’s happening?” Carly asked.

“Just a little unclear on the arch’s purpose,” Dex said, eyeing it.

Skylar nodded. “We know you want it decorated in sea elements, but we’re not seeing your final vision.”

Carly nodded, reaching into her pocket for the hand-drawn design. “The arch will serve as the basis for the sea floor beneath the waves...” She continued to explain her design idea, but she could feel Oliver’s gaze on her, which was very distracting.

How on earth were they going to keep their budding relationship and attraction in check that day when Carly felt the sexual tension simmering between them nearly as suffocatingly hot as the humidity of the summer day?

When she approached her own team, Tess was nearly vibrating with excitement and it helped to ease some of the underlying chemistry between her and her other teammate. “I had an idea for Sealena’s crown,” the little girl said, unrolling her own design.

Carly smiled as she scanned it. “Perfect. Do you want to get started on that while...your dad and I start building the tail?”

Tess nodded, happy to have her design approved. “I’m on it. Can I work by Darcy?” she asked.

Meaning Carly and Oliver would be in that side of the shed alone...

“Yes!” they both said simultaneously.

Tess sent them an odd look, but then, grabbing her supplies, she hurried over to the other side of the shed where her friend worked. The two of them were instantly giggling and enjoying themselves.

“Did you have to look so freaking hot?” Oliver murmured, close to her as he positioned their tarps on the floor.

Carly swallowed hard as she sniffed the air. “You’re wearing cologne,” she said.

Oliver moved closer to her as she unrolled the gold-and-green fabric. “Why did you invite so many volunteers?”

Carly laughed. “We’d never get this done on our own. Now, focus,” she said in the sternest voice she could muster given the fact that she too wished they were alone in the shed.

“Sure you wouldn’t rather be on Sebastian’s team?” Oliver asked with a mischievous grin as he knelt on the tarp and opened several paint cans.

“For the record, I was never on team Sebastian,” she said, unable to keep the serious tone of desire from her voice. He was the one she wanted. The only one she’d ever wanted.

Oliver’s eyes reflected the sentiment when they met hers. The long moment of simmering heat had sweat pooled on the base of her back, until she broke away. “Stop looking at me like that and get to work,” she said.

With a televised parade happening in a matter of weeks, they needed to put their hormones on hold and get this float finished...but as soon as everyone had dispersed for the day and Tess had blessedly gone to Darcy’s house for the afternoon, her hands and lips were immediately on Oliver.

As he closed the shed door, Carly’s arms went around his neck and his arms went around her waist. His lips found hers and he kissed her hard and desperate. Like a man giving in to a craving. Frantic, passion-filled and hungry, he continued to possess her mouth until she was gasping for air. Pulling away slightly, she still pressed her body close as she asked, “Think anyone could tell?”

“Yeah,” he said, his lips now against her neck, leaving a trail of kisses from her ear to her collarbone.

Her body tingled as goose bumps surfaced despite the hot, muggy air inside the shed. “Does that bother you?”