Does he feel the same attraction and passion for me? Or will my heart be shattered once the waning moon returns?

Carly sighed as she sat back from the computer.

Same, girl. Same.


THETINYYET-TO-BE-NAMEDwhite-and-orange fluffball was curled up on a mat in the shed the next day as Oliver ran a hand over the smooth wood grain of the paddleboard he was building for Tess. He’d carved a Sealena figure into the wood grain and he’d planned on painting it various shades of sea green and ocean blue. Teal now as well.

He sighed and shook his head. Her birthday gift may no longer be a surprise, but at least he knew what color to paint it. Maybe once she received it, she’d give up the new kayak idea.

SUP was an activity she’d been wanting to try and he’d already enrolled her in a weeklong session a short drive away in Sirens Bay, the best surfing and water sports area in this part of Alaska. The surf there was perfect for beginners and the lessons were done as a group with a certified instructor in an alcove, close to the shore.

Over the years of trial and error, he’d learned this was the way to approach things with his younger daughter. Redirect. Never say no; that only made her more determined and persistent to get her way. Offering other options often worked.

He hoped it did this time.

He stared at the intricate design of the Serpent Queen in the wood and sighed. If only she were real... If only there really was someone or something in these waters protecting those at sea.

Not just a fanciful woven tail.

Like this new romance series creating such an uproar around town. Not just the women, but the men, too, were buying and reading this new series. The mystery surrounding its author held almost as much appeal as the books themselves.

Oliver shook his head. He didn’t get it. Nor did he suspect he would.

His cell alarm chimed, indicating quarter to the hour, so he put his tools away and covered the paddleboard. Then he locked up the shed, climbed into his vehicle and headed down to the docks. He parked on the pier and headed toward the Marine Life Sanctuary building, where he could see the summer camp kids in their matching teal blue camper shirts with the Port Serenity Wildlife Conservatory logo on the back, reaching into the water with small beakers. Obviously, some kind of experiment.

He hung back a little, watching Tess reach in to fill her own beaker, and he grinned. She loved the water and all its mysteries and secrets.

The brilliant scientist, in her lab coat over cutoff jean shorts and matching camp T-shirt, waved at him now as she motioned for the kids to take the beakers back inside the lab.

He waved in return and leaned back against the front of the truck to wait. He was five minutes early. But Dr. Ann surprised him by walking toward him. “Hey, Oliver, can we chat for a minute?”

“Everything okay?” he asked. Tess had a history of being a bit of a know-it-all at camp. Dr. Ann wouldn’t be the first to tell him that Tess needed to listen more and talk a little less when it was interrupting other children’s learning. It was the only complaint her schoolteachers had about her.

“Great. Tess is so amazing to have in the camp.”


Dr. Ann laughed as she shook her head. “No buts.”

Oliver raised an eyebrow.

“Okay, so she’s a little chatty,” she said. “But in my camp, I encourage that. If she wants to share her knowledge, she can share away. Besides, she’s hardly ever wrong.”

Oliver sighed. “Tell me about it.” Disagreements with his daughter tended to go in her favor nine times out of ten. Tess rarely made bad choices, and even when she did things he didn’t necessarily love or agree with, she always pleaded a great case. She came to every discussion prepared to negotiate and persuade by having done her research. Alison used to say that someday what they found most challenging about her would lead to Tess’s greatest strengths. Parenting Tess had just been easier when it had been the two of them in it together.

“So, what’s up?” he asked.

“I, uh, was just wondering if you and Tess might be interested in...tacos,” she said.

Oliver frowned. “Tacos?” Like as a fun lunch at camp? Or parents’ day food item?

“I’ve been told my tacos are the best in Port Serenity—I mean, by my brother’s assessment, at least,” she said with an awkward-sounding laugh. “Tomorrow is taco Tuesday, so I thought if the two of you aren’t busy, you might like to join me?”

Oliver swallowed hard, trying to decipher the invite. Was she asking him on a date? Dinner at her place? She’d included Tess, which was both better and worse. He cleared his throat. “That’s really nice of you, but Tess and I have plans tomorrow night,” he said. At least, they did now. He’d come up with something so that it wouldn’t be a white lie.

“What plans?” Tess asked, approaching, her open backpack slung over one shoulder, licking a Popsicle, her hat falling off her head.