If it hadn’t been for Carly, and her belief in him and his innocence, he may never have made it through.

“Just something to think about,” Sebastian said in his silence, handing him a new business card. He checked his watch. “I’m meeting Carly for dinner, so the tour of the lighthouse will have to wait, but I’ll be in touch.”

He was meeting Carly for dinner? Why did that make Oliver even more uncomfortable than the business proposition the guy had just dropped on him?

He followed the man outside and watched as he headed toward his flashy rented convertible. He climbed in and waved as he drove away.

Oliver didn’t wave back. He stared at the business card in his hand, unsettled emotions running through him.

Suddenly, he felt as though time was running out and decisions he’d thought he’d get a chance to make were suddenly no longer his.


SKYLARHADTOLDher that the Sirens Bay steak house, just outside of town, was posh and sophisticated, but Carly hadn’t expected the level of elegance from the new restaurant along the coast. With its wooden A-frame exterior and ceiling-to-floor windows providing a fantastic view from any table in the place, it was definitely more upscale dining than anything they had in Port Serenity.

She glanced at the pale blue sundress and wedge heels she’d worn for her dinner with Sebastian and felt slightly uneasy. Was the outfit fancy enough?

She wasn’t big on fashion and she was even less about expensive, lavish restaurants. A cheeseburger from the diner would have suited her just perfectly, but Sebastian had insisted that their first business dinner together be held somewhere nice.

And besides, he’d said, he could expense it.

Carly wasn’t quite sure she was cool with taxpayer money paying for her meal, but she wanted to get off on the right foot with Sebastian. So far, he seemed genuine in wanting to help increase tourism and businesses within the community, but he was from a big city and wasn’t really familiar with how things worked in the small Alaskan town. She wanted to make sure his goals aligned with those of the community. Having been on the tourism board for years, Carly felt she was best suited to ensure a clear understanding with the newbie.

“After you,” Sebastian said, holding open the restaurant door for her to enter.

He was definitely a gentleman. He’d brought her flowers and opened the car door, but Carly hoped it wasn’t blurring the lines too much. She appreciated being treated appropriately, but she needed to make sure this business date was more business than date. After spending the morning with him in the store, learning about Sealena, she knew the two of them would never be more than just friends and colleagues. While he was handsome and charming, she just didn’t feel the same butterflies or spark with him as she did with Oliver.

Though, she hadn’t always felt those for Oliver either. When he and Alison were together, she’d always thought of him in a platonic way. Seeing him with Alison had somehow created a shield, preventing her heart from even considering the possibility. She wasn’t sure when that shield had lifted or when things had changed. Gradually, over the years, as she’d become more involved in his life, gotten to know him on different levels and saw a rare vulnerable side that he showed few people, her feelings had shifted. She’d tried resisting them, but they only grew stronger all the time.

Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do to stop them and nothing she could do to act on them.

Inside the restaurant, Carly surveyed the diners at the other tables. Suits, elegant-looking dresses, heels, jewelry sparkling under the large chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. “I feel underdressed.”

“You look beautiful,” Sebastian complimented her.

Carly blushed, immediately regretting her insecurity. She hadn’t said it to get a compliment. She really wasn’t helping her cause.

“You’re not good at taking compliments, are you?” Sebastian said.

Carly shifted uncomfortably. She never had been. Growing up, she was the bookworm, nerdy one and Alison was the beautiful, popular one. The two of them had been the best of friends despite—or maybe because of—their differences, but Carly had always been aware of her shortcomings next to Alison.

It had taken a lot to overcome her insecurities... Maybe she never fully had. Maybe that was one of the reasons she couldn’t open up fully to Oliver about how she felt. Fear of his rejection because of the circumstance was one thing. Fear of his rejection based on simply not feeling the same attraction to her was on a whole other level. He’d loved Alison. She was nothing like Alison. Therefore, how could he possibly love her in that way?

Instead of answering Sebastian’s loaded question, she smiled at the hostess as she led the way to their reserved table in the corner. Discreet, cozy and slightly too intimate.

Sebastian either agreed or sensed her discomfort as he said, “I’m sorry—could we maybe move to a different table? Maybe near the window with better lighting?”

Carly sent him a grateful look as the hostess nodded and brought them to a different area of the restaurant.

“This okay?” he asked.

“Perfect. Thanks,” she said, sitting when he pulled out her chair.

When he took his seat across from her, the hostess handed them both menus. “Your server will be right with you,” she said and smiled before walking away.

Carly surveyed the food options. There were very few. A single sheet listing only three appetizer selections, three main course selections and three desserts—that all sounded mouthwatering. No prices listed next to the choices meant this bill would give the tourism office accountant a minor heart attack.

“Should we start with wine?” Sebastian asked, reaching for the wine menu, which boasted many options. Again, no prices.