“Well, I guess we could walk, then,” he said with a grin. The diner was less than a block away.

Carly laughed and reached for the door handle. But he stopped her, reaching for her hand. She turned back to him, her eyes sparkling.

“I know it’s out of order, but could I steal a kiss first?”

She smiled and nodded as she leaned toward him. He reached for her face and brought his head closer to hers. She smelled so good, and with sweet honey-flavored lip gloss on her lips, she tasted even better. Her skin felt smooth and soft and he felt his body stir.

Better to end the kiss on a brief exchange, otherwise walking to the diner might be a little problematic.

He reluctantly pulled away and cleared his throat. “That’s enough of that...for now,” he said, readjusting himself in his pants.

Carly grinned as she climbed out of the truck. He met her on the sidewalk and she instantly reached for his hand. He folded his fingers with hers and waited to see if any feelings of hesitancy or insecurity appeared. This was the first time he was out in the community with anyone other than Alison. His first real date on display for everyone to see, question or judge.

He didn’t care. He wanted to be with Carly and that was what mattered. Others would talk and have their opinions, but they would no matter what. He was used to the town’s gossip, but at least this time, they’d be talking about his happiness.

They entered the diner a few moments later and he led the way to their usual booth. The same fifties-style decor with its pink-and-green booths and old records on the wall, the same old classics playing over the speakers, the same smell of grease from the grill. He wasn’t sure why he’d expected anything to be different. Nothing had changed except for the transformation within him, the new feelings bubbling to the surface that were a challenge to contain.

New, exciting feelings that had him more optimistic than he had been in a very long time.

Carly slid into the booth and, instead of sitting across from her, Oliver slid in next to her. She laughed and he shrugged. “The other side of the booth is too far away.” He hoped his sudden obsession with her didn’t scare her, but now that he’d opened himself up to this—to her—he wanted to enjoy every moment, he wanted to be next to her and show her that he was truly all in.

Show her and the rest of Port Serenity.

Curious eyes were definitely drifting their way as they picked up their menus. Behind hers, Carly muttered, “People are staring at us.”

“They are staring at you because you look stunning,” he said. It was a good thing that he had the diner menu memorized, because he didn’t want to take his eyes off her. From a distance, the dress had been beautiful; up close, it was knocking him on his ass. Or rather, the way it hugged her body was—soft, satiny material that plunged low at the chest, revealing the swell of her gorgeous breasts, and then tapered in at the waist, before falling over her shapely hips and curves.

She swiped at him playfully and he caught her hand and brought it to his lips. He stared into her eyes as he kissed her palm softly.

Her mouth gaped and she swallowed hard, gently pulling her hand back. “That’s enough of that...for now,” she said.

He laughed, loving that he was having the same effect on her that she had on him. Knowing they were in sync with their feelings went a long way in reassuring him. This wasn’t one-sided anymore. He hated that, for so long, it had been, that she’d been in this alone. He should have noticed, he should have been brave enough to let himself be aware of her feelings.

He couldn’t change the past, but he could start now in giving her the life and love she deserved.

“Hey, you two!” Lindsey, their usual server, said as she approached, new electronic order pad in hand. She eyed them with open curiosity and Oliver decided to just put it out there.

“Yes, we are on a date,” he said loudly, for the benefit of everyone in earshot.

Carly squeezed his hand, but looked happy at the announcement as she nodded.

The other patrons smiled and returned to their business as Lindsey said, “About damn time, I’d say.”

“Me too,” Carly mumbled teasingly, and he squeezed her hand.

“Well, wine is on the house—what else can I get you two?” she asked.

Oliver looked at Carly to go first, then seconded her order of a cheeseburger with a chocolate milkshake—they’d skip the wine for now.

Lindsey nodded, then frowned as she struggled with the electronic pad.

“What’s wrong?” Oliver asked.

“This damn order system. I preferred my pad and paper.”

“Why not just use that, then?” Oliver asked.

Lindsey sighed, rolling her eyes. “New tourism manager in town is recommending these to all businesses, and of course the Wakefields jumped on board.”