“Another marine biologist, stationed in Hawaii,” she said.

“A long-distance thing?”

“It’s torture,” Ann said, sounding distressed, “but it’s always been that way, and with both of us on long-term contracts where we are researching, I don’t see the gap closing anytime soon.”

“You’ve never met face-to-face?”

“Nope.” She sighed and Oliver heard the hint of longing. “Only Skype calls and texts.”

“Why don’t you take time off and go visit?” he asked. She must have vacation time she could take.

“Truthfully? Because I’m terrified.” She laughed. “I’m afraid that once we meet, we’ll realize what we have isn’t so special. Silly, right?”

He shook his head. “No, I get fear.” Fear of relationships was something he understood very well. He’d experienced it from every angle—disappointing someone, getting disappointed, hurting someone or getting hurt, dating...sex. He gulped, especially at the last one. He hadn’t been with a woman sexually in three years. The only woman he’d ever been with was Alison. What if he’d completely forgotten how to do it or, worse, was shitty at it? “Do you think you ever will meet?” he asked, needing to keep the subject of her love life at the forefront. “Does he want to?”

“He does... Recently, he’s been talking about it more and more, but I don’t know. I like things as they are and I don’t want to risk ruining it.” She took a deep breath. “What about you?”

“What about me?” he asked, sipping more wine.

“Do you think you’ll ever be ready for another relationship?” she asked, curling her leg under her on her chair.

“I have no idea,” he said, an image of Carly popping into his mind.

“But you came here tonight,” Ann said gently. “So, maybe part of you isn’t completely opposed?”

“That was all Tess.” He stared into the wine. “I know she’d like me to start dating, find someone in theory, but I’m not sure she’d really be ready for it, you know?”

Ann nodded gently. “Sounds like you may be deflecting a little.”

“Or a lot,” he agreed with a laugh. He ran a hand through his hair. “It’s tough to move on, I guess.”

“It’s been three years. Alison would want you to be happy,” she said.

He knew she was right. Alison would be damn well pissed off if she knew he was still alone after all this time. She’d want him to open himself up again. Find new love. But he just couldn’t imagine a future—a life—with someone else.

Again, thoughts of Carly popped into his mind.

Except maybe her...but how did that happen when they’d been friends for so long? How did they make that transition? He had no idea.

Tess hurried up to them, a wide smile on her face. “You two seem very chatty,” she said with a grin.

Oliver sighed and set the wineglass down. He stood, and wrapping his arm around Tess’s shoulders, he smiled at Ann. “It’s getting late. We should go, but thank you for dinner and the conversation.”

“Anytime,” Ann said as she stood. She hugged Tess and touched Oliver’s shoulder.

As they walked back toward his truck, Tess glanced up at him. “No spark, huh?”

Oliver shook his head. “Sorry, kiddo. Unfortunately not.”

There was only one woman he’d recently felt a spark with, and that fire might take a blowtorch to ignite.

OLIVERPACEDTHEsidewalk outside the Sealena Bookstore and Museum early the next morning. He checked the time on his watch and flinched as hot coffee spilled from the top of the cup he was bringing for Carly. Eight fifty-six... He peered inside, but couldn’t see her.

Odd. She was usually in the store early, setting up for the day.

Had she had a late night? Out with Sebastian again?

An odd sensation flowed through him. When had Carly become interested in dating? He couldn’t remember the last time she’d had a boyfriend or even a casual date. It was strange, actually, as she was a beautiful, smart, caring, interesting woman...