“Only for another six years and two months. Then I’m headed to Hawaii.”

He smirked. “Hawaii, huh?”

She nodded confidently. “That’s where Dr. Ann studied marine biology. She says once I’m sixteen, I can work as a volunteer at the conservatory, which looks great on a university application. She said she’ll even write my letter of recommendation.”

Oliver ruffled her hair and grinned to himself. His ten-year-old had her future all carefully figured out.

If only Oliver had his so perfectly planned.

FIVEA.M.WRITERSCLUBwas a thing. And Carly was its latest member.

Sitting at her laptop before the sun had risen the next morning, a fresh, steaming cup of coffee at the ready, she rotated her shoulders and quickly reread the chapter from Sunday’s writing session.

Not bad. Not perfect. But that was what revisions were for. Right now, she needed to get the words onto the page so that she had something to send to her editor.

Taking a deep breath and a big gulp of caffeine, she started to type:

That night, I can’t sleep. I lie awake, watching the rise and fall of the fisherman’s chest, listening to his deep, peaceful breath as he rests.

I’ve loved him from afar for so long, having him so close feels surreal. This mythical being from another world. His pale skin, dark hair and eyes the color of the sea are etched in my mind from years of watching him sail above the surface.

Our time is borrowed.

My kind can’t sustain life above the water for more than thirty days. Choosing to use this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity now, to spend it with him, is something I know I’ll never regret. But the time is already passing far too quickly. Each day is closer to the end.

He won’t remember me once these days together are over. Won’t remember the way we’d longed for one another when being together hadn’t been possible.

The day he discovered me still haunts my thoughts. He wasn’t afraid, there wasn’t a look of terror in his eyes, like there is with so many others who see me lurking beneath. He hadn’t tried to follow me when I swam away...but he was there again the next day. The same cove where I rest. Few venture that far north.

My language and his are different, but we don’t need words to communicate—the connection between us is so strong it surpasses all obstacles.

If I could stay, would I?

Would I choose love above my ultimate duty of protecting these shores along Port Serenity’s coast? Would I leave my world behind to stay on this land, knowing someday I’d age, I’d die, I’d be long forgotten?

Would I do that for him?

All I can do is wait to see if he’ll ask...

Carly sighed as she closed the laptop and sipped her now lukewarm coffee, her interaction with Oliver the day before still playing on her mind. It had obviously manifested itself in this new scene and this new source of conflict for Sealena.

Before, it had felt like there was no chance for her and Oliver, but now she wasn’t so sure. The day before there’d been...something. And that foolishly gave her new hope and new conflict.

Checking the clock on the wall, she composed an email to Paige:

Dear Paige,

Exciting news that the promotion team believes in this story enough to ramp up their campaign. Full disclosure: this book is taking a little longer than the others, but I’m attaching several new chapters for your review. Be kind. These are still in first draft.

Have a great day,

Carly xx

She attached the new chapters she’d written and hit Send on the email. Then, getting up, she headed into her bathroom to shower and get ready for work. By the time she’d dried her hair, her cell chimed with a new message from Paige:

Carly! These pages are wonderful! Can’t wait to read more.

XX Paige