His shoulders relaxed. “So...we’re okay?” He wasn’t sure what else to say or how to broach the subject. He still hadn’t fully wrapped his mind around his feelings and he wasn’t sure it was the right time to try to bring up the new awkwardness that seemed to surround them.

What if it was just him feeling this?

“Of course we’re okay,” she said, but he sensed a slight disappointment in her tone. As though she’d been expecting more.

But what exactly?

“I really have to go,” she said, turning to leave.

He shoved his hands into his jeans pockets and nodded. “Yeah, see ya later.” Disappointed in himself for not having the balls to say what he was feeling, he could sense that the longer he didn’t say it, the harder it would be.

She paused at the door and turned back. “For the record—not a hot date. Shopping with Skylar.”

She certainly didn’t owe him the explanation, but damn if it didn’t make him feel a lot better.

NOWTHATOLIVERhad taken care of the boring part of the float-building process, Carly couldn’t wait to hit the local craft store to buy all the items she needed to accomplish her elaborate vision.

But as she drove across town, she couldn’t shake the interaction they’d just had. The sizzling tension between them moments ago had never been there before and she wasn’t quite sure how to process it. For years, her attraction to Oliver had simmered and she’d been forced to keep it hidden, keep her growing feelings to herself, but lately, she felt as though she might explode if she had to keep repressing it.

As though this thing with Sebastian had made her realize that she had been putting her future on hold, waiting for something she couldn’t have. Or at least, she’d thought she couldn’t have it.

Moments ago in the shed, she’d felt a shift.

For several days, things with Oliver had been strained, different, but she’d chalked it up to his dislike of Sebastian. She’d credited the new awkwardness to the fact that almost every time they’d been together lately, Sebastian was there too.

This time, they’d been alone and there had definitely been sexual tension between them when he’d voiced his concerns about her dating. This wasn’t just about Sebastian...

But what exactly was it about? Was Oliver starting to develop feelings for her as well?

It was too much to hope for, but she couldn’t deny there had been a moment in the shed when she thought...

The sound of a horn honking behind her snapped her out of her thoughts and she saw the streetlight had turned green.

She sighed, waved her apology to the car behind her and, moments later, pulled into the lot of the Crafts and More store.

She saw Skylar’s car parked in the far end of the lot, so she pulled in next to it. She waved, but her cousin didn’t see her, her nose stuck between the pages ofForbidden Love.

Wow, her cousin really was reading it.

Climbing out, she tapped on the window of Skylar’s car, careful not to startle her, and her cousin held up a finger, indicating one more page. Carly watched her flip the page and waited as her cousin finished the current chapter she was on and reluctantly put the book down.

“Sorry, I was in the middle of the scene where Sealena has to save the family adrift on the life raft,” Skylar said, climbing out of her car.

“You’re enjoying it?” Carly asked.

Skylar shrugged. “Verdict is still out. I haven’t made it to the good stuff yet, but let’s just say, I wish I could bring it to work to read on my breaks.”

Carly frowned as they headed toward the entrance. “Why can’t you?” Skylar did have downtime during the day.

She laughed.

“Carly, my crew of eight men are just dying to find reasons to tease me. I’m not giving them ammunition.”

“People shouldn’t be shamed for what they like to read.” She paused. “And for your enlightenment, six out of those eight crew members have already readForbidden Love,” she said, opening the door to the store.

“Shut. Up.”

Carly shook her head amusedly. “You’ll never get names out of me, but just know even a certain retired captain purchased a copy.”