Oliver didn’t think for a second that his best friend would think it was a good idea.

“Hey, can one of you untie that rope?” Callan asked, pointing to the rope keeping the boat secured to the dock.

“Aye aye, Captain,” Sebastian said in a pirate-sounding voice before leaning over to untie the boat while Oliver resisted every urge to push the man overboard.

IFSHEWASpurposelytryingto make Oliver jealous—and she absolutely was not—it was working.

Carly watched from inside the cabin as he and Sebastian chatted with Callan out on the deck as he drove the boat. She couldn’t hear what they were saying with the loud kid-friendly music playing on board and the sounds of the girls’ squeals of laughter as they tried to play water twister on the swaying back deck, but she could read Oliver’s body language and he was more than a little annoyed that she’d invited Sebastian along for the party.

“So...you two?” Rachel asked, curiosity in her tone, catching Carly’s stare.

“Me and Oliver?”

“You and Sebastian!”

“Oh. Um...nothing. Just working together on the town’s new marketing plan, that’s all,” she said, accepting a glass of wine from her friend.

“But you invited him to come to the party today.” Rachel raised her eyebrow, daring Carly to bullshit her.

Carly sighed. “Full disclosure—he saved my ass. I’d forgotten to pick up the gift at the post office and he was there.” Better to be honest than have Rachel think there was more to it than that.

“Handsome, smart, successfulanddependable. You’re not doing very well arguing your case for why you shouldn’t date him,” Rachel said, opening the fridge and retrieving the birthday cake—shaped like Sealena, of course—before starting to put candles on it.

Carly knew Rachel had a point. Sebastian would be a great catch for any woman in town, but she just didn’t feel a spark with Sebastian. Not like the one she felt with just a simple look from Oliver.

Like now.

His gaze landed on her and lingered a beat before he gave an awkward little wave, as though embarrassed for having been caught looking at her.

If only he got it. He could look at her as much as he damn well wanted!

She sighed as he returned his attention to the conversation with the men, then helped Rachel with the candles on the cake.

“I’m just saying,” Rachel continued. “Why not give Sebastian a chance? I mean, sure, you two are very different—some might say from different worlds, like Sealena and the fisherman, but...”

Oh, hell no. They weren’t comparing her love life to the fantasy romance series. She held up a hand before Rachel could really make her case. “I’m in love with Oliver,” she hissed. Admitting it was the only way to get Rachel off her back.

Her friend’s eyes widened and her mouth gaped. The lighter lingered on the candle until Rachel flinched. “Ow! Hot!”

Carly took the lighter before her friend burned the boat down.

“Oliver?” Rachel echoed in a loud whisper.

Carly nodded as she finished lighting the candles on the cake.

“Since when?” Rachel asked, fully engaged.

Forever maybe? “I don’t know... A few years, I guess?”

“A few years?” Her voice rose.


“Does he know?”

Carly shook her head so violently, her braid nearly fell into one of the flames. This conversation was getting dangerous. “Let’s talk about it later.”

Rachel looked annoyed to have to put a pin in the juicy conversation, but she nodded. “These candles are burning fast,” she said, picking up the cake.